
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

獣-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


喧しい口に捩じ込んでやりたい I want to thrust myself into that clamorous mouth 奥の細道 肉の壁を突き破ってやりたい I want to break through the meat wall of that narrow path to the interior* 嗚呼、脳に突き刺せば淫の獄 Ah, I will be in the cage of lust if I pierce into the brain 嗚呼、嘔吐きぶち撒けた...腥い愛 Ah, the fishy love... spewed out 「喰えたもんじゃない」 ‘It is unpalatable’ 吐いて棄てた Spat it out 奈落の底へ突き落としてやりたい I want to thrust her down to the bottom of hell 私だけの為に汚い声で鳴かせてやりたい I want to make her moan erotically 嗚呼、脳に突き刺せば淫の獄 Ah, I will be in the cage of lust if I pierce into the brain 嗚呼、うねり泣き叫ぶ蚯蚓の群れ Ah, the group of worms heaves and cries そんな私は「ヒト」に非ずらしい I am an ‘inhuman’ 除け者... Outcast... 「除け者の獣」 ‘The outcast beast’ 押し寄せる愛 逆流の濁流 The surging love, an adverse turbid flow 鼻腔に纏わり付き離れない。 The smell stays in my nose, その酸いは甘美な夜露となり The sourness is the sweet night dew 滑々と光る恍惚 Trance shines slimily 命の伱間埋め尽くしてやりたい I want to fill the gap of life up 上も下もなく宙ぶらりん 達磨にしてやりたい I want to turn her into a daruma dangling in the air* 嗚呼、脳に突き刺せば淫の獄 Ah, I will be in the cage of lust if I pierce into the brain 嗚呼、ぐるり…弾けるは満天星 Ah, stars... burst all over the sky そんな私を指差し嗤う The outcasts... 除け者... Point at me and laugh 「除け者の獣」 ‘The outcast beast’ *Notes: 奥の細道: A reference to ‘おくのほそ道 (Oku no Hosomichi/ The Narrow Road to the Deep North or The Narrow Road to the Interior)’, a major work of haibun by the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, considered one of the major texts of Japanese literature of the Edo period. 達磨: Probably referring to ‘だるま女 (Daruma Onna/ Daruma girl)’, girls with no limbs. It is a real story before WWII, abducted and/or kidnapped women would be put on display in freak shows after being amputated.

