
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

是空是色-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「是空是色」(Emptiness and Form)

右には赤く咲いたあなたの艶色 溢れ滴る Your vivid colour, bloomed to red, is overflowing on the right 左には青く褪めた私の鈍色 絞り出す My dim grey, faded to blue, is being wringed out on the left 「手と手を合せて頂く無残絵」 ‘Fold your hands at the bloody prints’ 嗚呼…誰も気付いてはくれない残酷 Alas... the cruelty that nobody notices 右も左も噛み痕だらけ 私が 「餌」 と言う実 The fact is that I, covered in bite marks, am ‘a bait’ そんな私の 「餌」 として差し出されたあなたが You, given to me as a ‘bait’, 「吐き戻す程に不味い」 Are ‘terribly unpalatable that I am feeling sick’ あなたの現を描きましょう Shall I depict your reality 夢をなぞれば彩に晴々 If you trace dreams, you will feel lighthearted 私の現は誰が描く? Who is going to depict my reality? 夢をなぞれど指をしゃぶられるだけ Though I am tracing dreams, my fingers are just being sucked 今…命の意味は潰え 然れど燃えた滓を愛でる Now... the meaning of life is collapsing, but the burnt dregs is still relished 傷に舞い 病みを詠う そんな物好きの戯具 Dance in wounds, chant illness, a whimsical plaything 今…死の自由すらも剥ぎ取られる傲慢 Now... Arrogance is even deprived of their right to die 傷は埋まれどその痕は消えぬ儘に Though wounds are healed, scars will not disappear 素知らぬ面で抉り取る死生の尊 The dignity of life and death gouges out whilst pretending not to know 「是空」 ‘Emptiness’ 蜷局を巻いて私に雪崩れ込むは人の膿 People's pus gathers and pours into me もう…飲み干さなければ息も出来ない有様 If I do not finish it, I cannot breathe 生きて…生きて…生き永らえようとすればする程 Live... Live... The longer you live ただ酷く惨めたらしい 胃液塗れ 人間色の嗚咽 The more miserable you will only feel, covered with gastric juice, the sob of human colour 否…死の際に佇めば どっち付かずの死にたがり No... If you stop at the moment of death, you are indecisive about your death wish 故にただ誰かに生かされたい死にたがり Therefore, you are just a suicidal person that wish to be saved 否…紡ぐ痛み…苦しみの全てが嫌 No... I detest... everything about the pain formed and agony 刹那の中で焼払い屠って欲しい I wish to burn up and slaughter 素知らぬ面で抉り取る優しさを Gentleness, gouged out whilst pretending not to know, in an instant 無に落つ私の手を掴み誰のモノとも知らぬ Falling into nothingness, someone's heart grasps my hand その心に爪を立てて痛みに咽び泣かす I resist and sob in pain 誰かの「独り善がりの悲劇」「独り善がりの喜劇」 No matter someone’s ‘conceited tragedy’ or ‘conceited comedy’, その何方にも幕を下ろして… They will let that someone's curtain fall... おしまい And the end shall come 私は私の為にどう生きる? How am I going to live for myself? 「是色」 ‘It is form’

