
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Old Money-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Old Money」(豪門世家)

Blue hydrangea, cold cash divine 湛藍繡球,腰纏萬貫 Cashmere, cologne, and white sunshine 柔軟羊絨、古龍香水、陽光明媚 Red racing cars, Sunset and Vine 火紅跑車、日落黃昏、葡萄藤蔓 The kids were young and pretty 孩子們曾經青春活力 Where have you been? Where did you go? 你到哪裏去了?你往哪裏去了? Those summer nights seem long ago 感覺那些夏夜早已遠去 And so is the girl you used to call 而那個你以前 The Queen of New York City 稱作紐約皇后的女孩亦然 But if you send for me, you know I'll come 但你知道若你呼喚我,我便會過來 And if you call for me, you know I'll run 你知道若你叫喚我,我便會跑過來 I'll run to you, I'll run to you 我會跑到你跟前 I'll run, run, run 我會跑啊跑 I'll come to you, I'll come to you 我會來到你跟前 I'll come, come, come 來到你跟前的 The power of youth is on my mind 我的內心仍然富於春秋 Sunsets, small town, I'm out of time 日落黃昏,細小市鎮,我感到自己不太適合這世界 Will you still love me when I shine 要是我年華老去 From words but not from beauty? 你還會愛我嗎? My father's love was always strong 我的父親總是那麼愛我 My mother's glamour lives on and on 我的母親風韻猶存 Yet still inside, I felt alone 可是內心深處,我仍因為未知的原因 For reasons unknown to me 而感到寂寞 But if you send for me, you know I'll come 但你知道若你呼喚我,我便會過來 And if you call for me, you know I'll run 你知道若你叫喚我,我便會跑過來 I'll run to you, I'll run to you 我會跑到你跟前 I'll run, run, run 我會跑啊跑 I'll come to you, I'll come to you 我會來到你跟前 I'll come, come, come 來到你跟前的 And if you call 若你叫喚我 I'll run, run, run 我便會跑啊跑 If you change your mind 若你改變主意 I'll come, come, come 我便會來到你跟前 Blue hydrangea, cold cash divine 湛藍繡球,腰纏萬貫 Cashmere, cologne, and white sunshine 柔軟羊絨、古龍香水、陽光明媚 Red racing cars, Sunset and Vine 火紅跑車、日落黃昏、葡萄藤蔓 We were were young and pretty 我們曾經青春活力

