
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

蛾-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


僕は舞っているよ 暗がりの空を I’m fluttering about in the dark sky 君は知っているの? 言えよ May Wish Did you know that? Say it 嗚呼 それはどんな生き方をすれば手が届く Ah, how on earth can I get it 解答のない歪な嘘 L&Pからあぶれた害 The twisted lie without an answer, the harm left out by L&P* そう生きるしかないと勝手に決めつけて Decide on my own that it’s the only way to live まだ自ら視界を塞いでは彷徨い続ける If I block my own view again, I’ll continue to feel lost* 偽りのないその声で僕を貫いて My loved ones, pierce through me with your genuine voices 愛すべき人よ 全てが過ちでも Even if everything is a mistake 奇才を模した凡人が 媚びては媚びては媚び諂う Ordinary people, imitating geniuses, keep on flattering 想像の下ゆく現実に 冷めても覚めても報われない Even if my enthusiasm cools down or I come to my senses in the reality secretly flowing through imagination, I won’t be rewarded まあそれはそれって事なのか 僕は僕は僕は Well, I guess it is what it is? I, I, I あーそれは困難 死に方を選び遠ざかる Ah, that’s a tight situation, I distance myself from the way I choose to die 例えのない故儚い L&Pすら笑えぬdie There’s no assumptions therefore it’s transitory, a kind of death even L&P don't find funny それくらいはじめから理解っていたのに I knew something like that from the very beginning* 偽りのその声は僕を惑わせて The false voices confuse me at night 愛すべき人も見えずに夜の中 That I can’t even see my loved ones まだこの羽根ではばたけるから底で見ていて I can still fly with my wings, so watch me from the bottom* 偽りのないその声で僕を導いて My loved ones, guide me with your genuine voices 愛すべき人よ 全てが過ちでも Even if everything is a mistake *Notes 解答のない歪な嘘: ‘解答’ is pronounced as ‘こたえ (答え)’, meaning of the lyric remains unchanged. まだ自ら視界を塞いでは彷徨い続ける: ‘視界’ is pronounced as ‘め (目)’, hence, meaning of the lyric will become ‘if I cover my eyes again, I’ll continue to feel lost’. それくらいはじめから理解っていたのに: ‘理解っていた’ is pronounced as ‘わかっていた (分かっていた)’, meaning of the lyric remains unchanged. まだこの羽根ではばたけるから底で見ていて: ‘羽根’ is pronounced as ‘て(手)’, hence, meaning of the lyric will become ‘I can still spread my wings, so watch me from the bottom’.

