
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Change-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


There's somethin' in the wind, I can feel it blowin' in 好像有些甚麼在風中,我感受到它靜靜飄來 It's comin' in softly on the wings of a bomb 它隨着炸彈的羽翼輕輕來臨 There's somethin' in the wind, I can feel it blowin' in 好像有些甚麼在風中,我感受到它靜靜飄來 It's comin' in hotly and it's coming in strong 它熾熱地來臨,強烈地來臨 Lately, I've been thinkin' it's just someone else's job to care 最近,我有感這不是我需要關心的事 Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn? 當沒有人在乎的時候,我那有同情的資格? I've been thinkin' it's just someone else's job to care 我有感這不是我需要關心的事 Who am I to wanna try? But 我有那有想要審判的資格?但 Change is a powerful thing, people are powerful beings 改變是件有影響力的事情,人是強大的生物 Tryna to find the power in me to be faithful 試着尋找心中使我虔誠的力量 Change is a powerful thing, I feel it comin' in me 改變是件有影響力的事情,我感到它靜靜降臨於我 Maybe by the time summer's done 可能當夏天完結之時 I'll be able to be honest 我就能夠變得誠實 Capable of holdin' you in my arms without lettin' you fall 可以在不感到美麗和安穩的時候 When I don't feel beautiful or stable 好好的抱住你 Maybe it's enough to just be where we are, because 可能保持現狀便足矣,因為 Every time that we run, we don't know what it's from 每當我們逃跑時,我們都不知道自己在躲避甚麼 Now we finally slow down, we feel close to it 現在我們終於放慢腳步,我們感到離它很近 There's a change gonna come, I don't know where or when 改變將會發生,我不知道是何地何時 But whenever it does, we'll be here for it 但無論怎樣,我們都會樂在其中 There's somethin' in the wind, I can feel it blowing in 好像有些甚麼在風中,我感受到它靜靜飄來 It's coming in softly on the wings of a song 它隨着一首歌的羽翼輕輕來臨 There's somethin' in the water, I can taste it turning sour 好像有些甚麼在水中,我嘗到水變酸了 It's bitter, I'm coughing, but now it's in my blood 味道苦澀,我在咳嗽,但它已在我的血裏 Lately, I've been thinkin' it's just someone else's job to care 最近,我有感這不是我需要關心的事 Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn? 當沒有人在乎的時候,我那有同情的資格? I've been thinking it's just someone else's job to care 我有感這不是我需要關心的事 'Cause who am I to wanna try? But 因為我有那有想要審判的資格?但 Change is a powerful thing, people are powerful beings 改變是件有影響力的事情,人是強大的生物 Tryin' to find the power in me to be faithful 試着尋找心中使我虔誠的力量 Change is a powerful thing, I feel it comin' in me 改變是件有影響力的事情,我感到它靜靜降臨於我 Maybe by the time summer's done 可能當夏天完結之時 I'll be able to be honest 我就能夠變得誠實 Capable of holdin' you in my arms without lettin' you fall 可以在不感到美麗和安穩的時候 When I don't feel beautiful or stable 好好的抱住你 Maybe it's enough to just be where we are, because 可能保持現狀便足矣,因為 Every time that we run, we don't know what it's from 每當我們逃跑時,我們都不知道自己在躲避甚麼 Now we finally slow down, we feel close to it 現在我們終於放慢腳步,我們感到離它很近 There's a change gonna come, I don't know where or when 改變將會發生,我不知道是何地何時 But whenever it does, we'll be here for it 但無論怎樣,我們都會樂在其中

