
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

魑魅魍魎ノ跳梁跋扈 −再録−-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「魑魅魍魎ノ跳梁跋扈 −再録−」(Rampage of Monsters −Re-recording−)

声は…叫の形を殺がれて Voice... Diminishes the shape of cry 蹲った儘で揺蕩うばかり And sways as it curls up 掬えぬ故に救えぬ ゆらり… It cannot be saved for it cannot be scooped up, rocking gently... 声は…叫の形を殺がれて Voice... Diminishes the shape of cry 静寂だけが痛く揺蕩うばかり And sways in the painful silence 慟哭一つ 塗れに紛れて Wail, and blend with downfall 籠女 籠女 Girl with a cage, girl with a cage 籠の中の鳥は何時何時出やる When will the bird in the cage come out 夜明けの晩に鶴と亀が滑った The crane and turtle slipped in the night before the dawn breaks 後ろの正面何方様? Who is right behind you? 奈落は私を喰らうのでしょう Perhaps hell is going to devour me さぁ…お気に召すが儘に Now... Do as you please 潰れて弾ければ満開 夜桜 If I break and burst, cherry blossom will be in full bloom at night 這い摺り回る貴方に引き摺り回され描かれた I was pulled around by you, crawling around, and leaving traces 剥き出しの春に酔う様が浅ましい The way you indulge in the unconcealed spring is shameful 「人を呪わば穴二つ」 ‘What goes around comes around’ 裂いた私で満たせば涅槃 If you satify yourself with me, shattered into pieces, you will achieve nirvana 「妖の舞と贋の愛」 ‘Monsters dance and fake love’ 葬頭河の深みから垂れ首を眺める髑髏 Skeleton gazes at the drooping head from the deepest part of Sanzu River 呵々と戯る乳呑児の花見酒 The sake for enjoying cherry blossoms of the infant playing happily 嗚呼 散り行く私に高らかな餞 Alas, the loud farewell gift given to me, fading away, 実しやかな愛の葬歌 Is a specious elegy of love 「さようなら」 ‘Farewell’

