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TV in Black and White-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「TV in Black and White」(黑白電視)

If you get lonely, think of me only 要是你感到寂寞了,想想我吧 Prison isn't going to keep me from you 監獄並不會將我倆分開 Remember Coney Island and how we 記得我們在康尼島 Went into the water, 'til the waves turned blue? 還有我們暢泳至夜幕低垂日子嗎? Nobody does have to know that our love's alive 沒有人需要知道我倆的戀情 Keep it on the low if you want to hide 要是你想把我藏起來,那你得保持低調 Got that same address if you want to write 要是你想寫信給我,就寄到這個地址 One Greenwich Avenue, wishing and thinking of you 格林威治道一號,很想念你 Living without you's like TV in black and white 沒有你的生活就像黑白電視 You turned me on and brought color into my life 你燃起我的慾望,為我的世界帶來色彩 When I'm around you, suddenly, I realize 當我在你身邊時,我突然意識到 That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes 透過你的雙眼看見世界之前,我是那麼盲目迷失 If you get lonely, think of this only 要是你感到寂寞了,記住 Heaven hasn't forgotten about you 神沒有忘記了你 Though you can't hold me, pick up and phone me 雖然你不能握住我的手,但你可以打給我 Use your one phone call on your ex girl, boo 可你用了你僅有的機會打給你的前度,嘖 I won't tell a single soul how you spend your nights 我不會告訴任何人你在獄中的日子到底是怎樣 In that single cell, holding your pillow tight 在那小小的牢房裏,捉緊你的枕頭 If you really are afraid, then you ought to know 要是你真的很害怕,別忘記 That you're the one I want, the one I want forever more 你是我的唯一,我永遠的唯一 Living without you's like TV in black and white 沒有你的生活就像黑白電視 You turned me on and brought color into my life 你燃起我的慾望,為我的世界帶來色彩 When I'm around you, suddenly, I realize 當我在你身邊時,我突然意識到 That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes 透過你的雙眼看見世界之前,我是那麼盲目迷失 I know you get scared sometimes, boy 我知道有時候你會感到害怕 Nothing to be feared when you're in my heart 當你在我心裏時,沒有甚麼需要懼怕 Troubles come in threes but in your case 麻煩總是接二連三地來,可它們 They came in millions and trillions, but that's all right 排山倒海地擁至你身邊,但不要緊 Living without you's like TV in black and white 沒有你的生活就像黑白電視 You turned me on and brought color into my life 你燃起我的慾望,為我的世界帶來色彩 When I'm around you, suddenly, I realize 當我在你身邊時,我突然意識到 That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes 透過你的雙眼看見世界之前,我是那麼盲目迷失 Like TV in black and white 就像黑白電視 Like TV in black and white 就像黑白電視 Like TV in black and white 就像黑白電視 Like TV in black and white 就像黑白電視

