
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

花火-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


貴方を失い過ぎ去る幾許の流れに私は何を見ればいいの? What shall I look at in the flows that I lost you? 幾ら願っても戻らない時の流れに私は今も心此処に有らず In the flow of time, which shall never return despite how much I wish for, my heart is still not here 「忘れられぬ全て投げ捨てて貴方の隣へ」 ‘So I give up everything I can never forget and be by your side’ そんな甘えた私を貴方は残してくれた愛で突き放す You abandon me, who relied you a lot, with the love you left 夏の夜空 打ち上げ花火 咲き散る刹那 I think of you, disappearing in a lonely morning, 徒然の朝に消え行く貴方を思う At the moment when the fireworks shot in the summer night sky blast 今でも振り返ればあの日の様な笑顔がそこにほら…そんな… Even now, if I look back, a smile like that day is right there, see... No... 泣いて、泣いて、泣き叫んで… I cry, and cry, and cry my heart out... 涙も声も嗄らして… My tears are dried up and my voice is hoarse... 貴方の影を追い続ける私が見える? Can you see me chasing after your shadow? 夏の夜空 打ち上げ花火 咲き散る刹那 I think of you, disappearing in a lonely morning, 徒然の朝に消え行く貴方を思う At the moment when the fireworks shot in the summer night sky blast 夏の夜空 打ち上げ花火 咲き散る刹那 I feel that I heard the last word you said to me 最後にくれた言葉が聞こえた気がした At the moment when the fireworks shot in the summer night sky blast 今でも振り返ればあの日の様な笑顔がそこにほら…そんな気がして Even now, I feel that if I look back, a smile like that day is right there, see... 泣かない約束は出来ないけど…それでも…それでも…今を… Though I cannot keep the promise of not crying... Still... Still... I am... 生きる Living at the present

