
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

三途川-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「三途川」(Sanzu River)

お味は如何でしたか? How was it? 舌鼓は唄いましたか? Did you enjoy it? 肉も骨も平らげて 残った意識の滓 Flesh and bones are all finished up, only the dregs of mind remained 彼方の水は甘いか 此方の水は甘いぞ Is the water over there delicious, the water here is delicious 手招き微笑む顔が 引き攣り少し痛い Faces waving their hands with smiles twitched in slight pain 甘露 一雫 さようなら A drop of nectar, farewell 化けの皮を 面の皮を 剥がし流す三途川 Monster skins, face skins, are carried away by the Sanzu River 賽の河原 手向けの石 足蹴 笑う 彼岸の花 On the banks of Sanzu River, flowers on the other side kick the stones for offering and laugh 「アナタ」だった何かを ほら… 揺蕩い流す三途川 Something that was ‘you’, see... is drifted by Sanzu River 賽の河原 助けを乞う 見つめ 笑う 「ワタシ」は花 There are cries calling for help on the banks of Sanzu River, ‘I’, gaze and laugh, am a flower

