
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

喰-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


手と手を合わせて頂きましょう 泣き喚く蟲を宥めましょう Place your hands together and enjoy, Calm your hunger 私の欲をべとべとべとべと… Make my desire sticky... 乾き切った舌の根を潤す貴方は正に馳走 You, moist the root of my parched tongue, are a great delicacy 手と手を合わせ 舌を這わせて 泣き叫ぶ声を飲み干して I place my hands together, let my tongue crawl, and drink up the crying voice 私の愛をべとべとべとべと… Make my love sticky... 乾き切った心を涙で潤す貴方は正に馳走 You, moist my parched heart with tears, are a great delicacy 骨まで残さずに武者振り付いて I eat you up 残り香帯びた皿を見つめ 貴方を浮かべ舐め回す Then gaze at the plate that had a lingering fragrance, you come to my mind and I lick the plate 一つになって二つと無い幸を嚙み締めて We become one and savour our unique happiness 喘ぐ其の声は仄甘く The gasping voice is slightly sweet 一人になって二人きりの愛を嚙み締めて We join together as one and savour the love between the two of us 蟲が「お代わり」を強請り出す Then I begin to demand for ‘more’ 目と目を合わせ 頬を赤らめ 喉が眉唾を生唾に We look into each other's eyes, blush, and turn nervousness into anticipation べとべと…どろどろ…ぐちゃぐちゃ…べちゃくちゃ…びちゃびちゃ…ごくり… Sticky... Pulpy... Squishy... Blather... Splash... Gulp down... 疼いた喉を潤す貴方は正に馳走 You, moist my aching throat, are a great delicacy 頭蓋を盃に 愛に酔いましょう Use skull as wine glass and indugle in love 舌先で舐る 両の眼 その景色は何色でしょう I lick your eyes with the tip of my tongue, what colour is that scenery 愛を濁らせた虚言の口削ぎ落して さぁ、頂きましょう Scrape off the lying mouth that muddles love, now, please enjoy 骨身に沁みた愛の味 The taste of love sept into bone 満たされぬが故に貪り続け舌の根が腐り出した頃 I continue to covet for more for I am not gratified, as the root of my tongue began to rot 「私を食べて」 ‘Eat me’ 熟れた愛は腐臭の愚物 The ripe love is the stinking fool 「私を食べて」 ‘Eat me’ 熟れた愛は俘囚の汚物 The ripe love is the filth of the slave 「温かいうちに召し上がれ」 ‘Enjoy when I am still warm’

