
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

拡聲ニ蝕ユ蠢-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「拡聲ニ蝕ユ蠢」(Disturbance Dims in Loud Voice)

君が代は千代に八千代に 揺蕩う苦輪は止まぬ怨嗟 Thousands of years of happy reign be thine, the swaying endless suffering is the constant rancour* 誰が為に 我が為に 天はどよみて地は撼ふ For whom, for us, the heavens blare and the earth shaketh* 躓き蹲り屍の腐海に Stumble and fall in the rotten sea of bodies* 諸手を翳す喝采は狂気 Cheering with hands raised is a total madness 歪に裂け歪む口々から Maggots covered in amber disperse 琥珀まみれの蛆蟲を撒き散らす From all the holes ripping and twisting in distortion (日輪に唾吐き 万歳三唱) (Spit at the daystar, long live our lord)* 紫斑に染む四方を仰ぎ見よ 翅の聲 裂き給へ Look up at those around ye covered in purple spots, buzz shall tend them 齎す粛清に唱和せり 敬礼死令に征け Cheered for the success of the purge, salute and obey the death order 「灰塵に帰す黎明を!」 ‘Turn into dust and let the dawn break!’ 君が代は千代に八千代に 俯瞰に広ぐ愚蟲の残滓 Thousands of years of happy reign be thine, the remnants of foolish bugs spread under thy eyes* いざ進め 進めよや 膺懲すべき時は来ぬく Now march on, march on, time to chastise our enemies* 捻れ捩れ蝕す孵花のうねり Hatched swells twist and nibble* 剥き出す臨月が腫瘍れ開眼けば When the bulged belly swelleth and exposeth itself* 軋み生えいづる極彩の艶 Vivid beauty, grating and growing, 胎内に咲き体外を裂いた Bloometh in the womb and rippeth the body (幾億の共鳴 玉と砕けむ) (Thousands of empathy, break like jade)* 紫斑に染む四方を仰ぎ見よ 翅の聲 裂き給へ Look up at those around ye covered in purple spots, buzz shall tend them 齎す粛清に唱和せり 敬礼死令に征け Cheered for the success of the purge, salute and obey the death order 喪之黒の煉獄は夥多犇く朔 The first day that countless flies buzz is a monochrome purgatory 柔き踏台を畏怖せしめよ 翅の聲 裂き給へ Those who feared the soft stepping stone, buzz shall rend ye 「傀儡の徘徊を犠牲に寄生せしものよ! ‘Those who sacrificed and parasitised the wandering puppets!*   いざや羅列なる葬列を以ちて彼奴等に來る死と退廃を!」 Now, welcome their approaching death and decadence with a numerous cortege!’* *Notes: 君が代は千代に八千代に: The lyric is the first sentence of the Japanese national anthem. 揺蕩う苦輪は止まぬ怨嗟: ‘苦輪’ is a Buddhist term, meaning the endless repeat of samsara. 躓き蹲り屍の腐海に: ‘腐海’ is pronounced as ‘うみ (海)’, thus the lyrics can also mean ‘stumble and fall in the sea of bodies’. 万歳三唱: May be referring to Banzai Attack, a term that was used by the Allied forces ofWWII to refer to Japanese human wave attacks and swarming staged by infantry units. This term came from the Japanese battle cry ‘天皇陛下万歳’, meaning ‘Long live His Majesty the Emperor’, and was shortened to banzai, specifically referring to the tactic used by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Pacific War. This tactic was used when the Japanese commanders of infantry battalions foresaw that a battle was about to be lost, as a last ditch effort in thwarting Soviet and US forces. 俯瞰に広ぐ愚蟲の残滓: ‘愚蟲’ is pronounced as ‘ぐちゅう (愚忠)’, which means blind loyality, whilst ‘残滓’ is pronounced as ‘ざんし (惨死)’, which means ‘miserable death’. Thus, the lyric also means ‘Miserable death of blind loyality spreads under thy eyes’. 進めよや: A lyric from the Japanese military song ‘Thousands of Enemies (敵は幾万)’, which was released during WWII. 膺懲すべき時は来ぬく: ‘膺懲’ may be referring to the slogan ‘暴支膺懲’, which means ‘Punish tyrannous China’ and was used to acquire public support on attacking China during Sino-Japanese Wars and WWII. ‘来ぬ’ is pronounced as ‘こぬ’, which means ‘not come’, however this will contradict with the slogan. As ‘来ぬ’ can also be pronounced as ‘きぬ’, meaning ‘come’, the lyric is translated according to the meaning of きぬ. 捻れ捩れ蝕す孵花のうねり: ‘孵花’ is pronounced as ‘ふか (孵化)’. 剥き出す臨月が腫瘍れ開眼けば: ‘臨月’ means the last month of pregnancy. ‘腫瘍れ’ is pronounced as ‘はれ (腫れ)’, whilst ‘開眼け’ is pronounced as ‘ひらけ (開け)’, meaning ‘open’. 玉と砕けむ: ‘玉砕’, shattered jewel or honorable suicide, a suicide attack, or suicide before being captured by the enemy, the term is from the Book of Northern Qi, which states ‘better break like jade than be an intact tile (寧為玉碎,不作瓦全)’. いざや羅列なる葬列を以ちて彼奴等に來る死と退廃を!: ‘退廃’ is pronounced as ‘たいはい (大敗)’, which means ‘complete rout’. Thus, the lyric can also mean ‘now, welcome their approaching death and complete rout with a numerous cortege!’

