
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

吊-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


さぁさ、首を括りあそばせ Now, bind your neck 生まれ落ちたあの日が思い出せないから For you cannot remember the day you were born 叫ぶ心の臓は偽りの無い声を上げ The screaming heart cries truly 向かい見つめ合うその両目は己が姿が見えているか Are the eyes you are gazing at looking at their own figure 痛む先へ足を踏み入れ御対面 Set foot in the hurting future in front of you 吊るし上げて喚き散らす命を乞う醜態 The disgraceful behaviour of hanging yourself but then screaming for help 誇り高く翳した嘘 音を立てて崩れて行く The lie you told with pride is collapsing noisily 吊るし上げて嘔吐き散らす濡れた温もりの艷 Hang yourself and vomit the moist vividness of warmth ゆらり揺れて絞まる痛み遠退く私を引き摺り戻す朝 In the morning, the pain of swaying and squeezing brings me, losing my conciousness, back to life さぁさ、首を括りあそばせ Now, bind your neck 泣いて帰ってきた それが私の罪と罰 Returned whilst crying, are my sin and punishment 一度で足りぬなら二度三度と括りあそばせ If once is not enough, bind twice or even thrice 何度でも…何度でも…死んでしまえばいい Again... And again... As long as you will die 縛られぬ様に縛り付けられきつく雁字搦め Be bound tightly hand and foot like you are not bound 首の枷が未だ見えぬ阿呆 故に雁字搦め The fool still cannot see the collar on his neck, therefore he is bound hand and foot 吊るし上げて終わらせましょう 骸から覗く日々 Hang yourself and end the days you peep through your body 誇り高く翳した嘘 節穴塞ぐ目眩し The lie you told with pride, the magic that covers your eyes 吊るし上げて始めましょう 宵が剥ぎ取られて行く Hang yourself now, the dawn is breaking ゆらり揺れる己が骸 見つめ迎えるは今生の別れと Your own body is swinging gently, the parting with your current life is waiting to welcome you 手繰り寄せた縄の先で微かに蟲の息を感じるから…ほら For I feel the faint breath of insects from the end of the rope in my hand... See 今一度その手に強く力を込めて絞めましょう Squeeze tighter and strangle him again

