
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

人生崩壊SHOW!-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「人生崩壊SHOW!」(Ruined Life Show!)

今宵、継ぎ接ぎだらけの言葉で Tonight, people bear the karma and strive 業を背負い奪い合い With patched words また無意識傷つけ泥試合 Hurting others unconsciously with mudslinging 許されない悲劇哀 The sadness of an unforgivable tragedy Open my eyes Open my eyes Look on in silence Gaze into silence Never an honest word You're never honest 逃げ出し不達がない There's an end in every escape 思い込みで孤独になる Become lonely because of their own belief 抗い生きていく覚悟、愛の詭弁 Prepare to keep on resisting, the sophistry of love 言えない答えない Impulse forces them 真面目に騙し嘘まみれ To look for the reasons 気づかない様 Without noticing 理由探しを All the lies they can't tell and answer 迫る衝動 That are told sincerely 人生崩壊 SHOW! A ruined life SHOW! お涙頂戴お手の物 Making people tear is something they're good at 仮面の下で笑う They laugh under your mask 酷く不味い 然れどうまい Hyenas throng around ブタのエサに群がるハイエナ The awfully unappetising but tasty pig feed 茶番劇すらも正気の沙汰 Even farces feel real Tell me! Help me! Tell me! Help me! You're breaking my heart You're breaking my heart Never an honest word You're never honest 濡れた手乾くまで Clasp something and pray for their own sin 何抱きしめ罪の祈り Until their wet hands become dry 誰が味方か判らない、溺れ朽ちる Dont't know who's on their side, indulge and decay 足掻いて失くなって I look away from 救われぬ夢物語 Their countless excuses 傷つかない様 So as not to hurt 理屈ばかりを Theri unsavable fantasies 目をそらして That they struggled and lost どうだい?後悔は? How do you feel? Are you regretful? 鼓膜破れて耳鳴り始まり Eardrums burst and ears start ringing 駆け巡る走馬灯 The revolving lantern turns round and round 唯我がまま犯した過ち They're just mistakes they made wilfully 惹かれ合う苦悩期待 Vexation and expectation attract each other Never an honest word You're never honest 逃げ出し不達がない There's an end in every escape 思い込みで孤独になる Become lonely because of their own belief 抗い生きていく覚悟、愛の詭弁 Prepare to keep on resisting, the sophistry of love 言えない答えない Impulse forces me 真面目に騙し嘘まみれ To look for the reasons 気づかない様 Without noticing 理由探しを All the lies I can't tell and answer 迫る衝動 That are told sincerely 人生崩壊 SHOW! A ruined life SHOW!

