
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

MILK-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


あの日僕は震えるほど I was reminiscing about you 君の事思い泣いたのに And crying so hard that day 忘れて過ごす日も増えたなぁ But days that I forgot about this also increased 今なら歌に出来るかな Can I now turn this into a song 明け方過ぎ 電話の音 At the break of dawn, the phone 声色物語る悪夢 Tells a nightmare with a different tone 何故今日なの? Why today out of all days? 僕は君に会いに行く事も出来ずに I can't even come to you today 幸せだったかな Were you happy 寒くなかったかな Did you feel cold 「出会えてよかった」 Were you also 君も思ってくれるかな ‘Glad that we met’ さよならは言わないよ I won't say goodbye 届け 届け ありがとう Feel my gratitude またいつか 会えるまで Until we meet again someday 今を生きよう 見ててよね Please watch over me living in the moment いつも優しい君の前じゃ I don't know why but being by your side 何故か明るくなれたんだ Always lifted my mood up だから僕は今誰かに So, I'm going to 優しくしようと思える Treat someone kindly 忘れはしないよ I won't forget 君の温もりを Your warmth 教えてくれたね You've taught me 愛に代わりは無いこと Love is irreplaceable さよならは言わないよ I won't say goodbye 届け 届け ありがとう Feel my gratitude 思い出を 描く夜 Nights that bring back our memories 光れ 照らせ 天の川 Shine, light up the galaxy さよならは言わないよ I won't say goodbye 届け 届け ありがとう Feel my gratitude またいつか 会えるまで Until we meet again someday 今を生きよう 見ててよね Please watch over me living in the moment *Note: MILK:According to their 81st Youtube live (43:00), Milk was the name of Shogo's dog, and the song is about death.

