
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

秋雨葬送-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「秋雨葬送」(Funeral in the Autumn Rain)

物憂げな琥珀の装い 灰色の空 Listless amber attire, grey sky しとしと唄い奏でるソレは私の心 My heart sings like drizzles 指切りの唄が途切れて消え入る刹那 At the moment the song of pinky promise breaks and disappears 「いちぬけ」ぽつり…その一言を置き去りにして Murmur ‘I have to go’... You leave a word behind 思い出は優しさだけを心に残してしまう Memories only left your gentleness in my heart 私をアノ日に幾度となく還す… They bring me back to that day again and again... 掌合わせ偲んだのは愛 烟る別れ日 秋雨葬送 I reminisced love with my hands folded, it was drizzling on the day we part, during funeral in the autumn rain 突き刺さるのは幾千の愛 涙揺蕩う 秋雨葬送 Deep love pierces my heart, tears overflow, during the funeral in the autumn rain ただ穏やかに眠る貴方が思い出を抱き浮かんで消える You, who are just sleeping deeply, rise and disappear with our memories 小さく震える私がそこから見えますか…? Can you see me quivering lightly from there...? 物憂げな琥珀の装い 灰色の空 Listless amber attire, grey sky しとしと唄い奏でるソレは私の心 My heart sings like drizzles 指切りの唄を一人で紡ぐ私を The silent cold thing is just colouring me, 声にならない冷たいソレが彩るばかり Who form the song of pinky promise all alone 思い出は優しさだけを心に残してしまう Memories only left your gentleness in my heart 私はアノ日から動けないままで… I cannot move on after that day... 掌合わせ偲んだのは愛 烟る別れ日 秋雨葬送 I reminisced love with my hands folded, it was drizzling on the day we part, during the funeral in the autumn rain 突き刺さるのは幾千の愛 涙揺蕩う 秋雨葬送 Deep love pierces my heart, tears overflow, during the funeral in the autumn rain ただ穏やかに眠る貴方が思い出を抱き浮かんで消える You, who are just sleeping deeply, rise and disappear with our memories 小さく震える私がそこから見えますか…? Can you see me quivering lightly from there...? 思い出は優しさだけを心に残してしまう Memories only left your gentleness in my heart 私をアノ日に幾度となく還す… They bring me back to that day again and again... 私の代わりに泣いた秋の空 Fragments of ‘farewell’ are falling 流れる「さよなら」の欠片 From the sky that cried on my behalf 掌合わせ偲んだのは愛 烟る別れ日 秋雨葬送 I reminisced love with my hands folded, it was drizzling on the day we part, during funeral in the autumn rain 突き刺さるのは幾千の愛 涙揺蕩う 秋雨葬送 Deep love pierces my heart, tears overflow, during the funeral in the autumn rain ただ穏やかに眠る貴方が思い出を抱き浮かんで消える You, who are just sleeping deeply, rise and disappear with our memories 小さく震える私がそこから見えますか…? Can you see me quivering lightly from there...?

