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Serial Killer-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Serial Killer」(連環殺手)

Wish I may, wish I might 希望我可以,希望我能夠 Find my one true love tonight 在今夜找到真愛 Do you think that he could be you? 要是我全心祈求 If I pray really tight 你覺得那會是你嗎? Get into a fake bar fight 當我沿着大街走時 While I'm walking down the avenue 你裝作捲入酒吧的毆鬥 If I lay really quiet 每當我靜靜地躺着時 I know that what I do isn't right 我知道這是不對 I can't stop what I love to do 但我就是阻止不了自己做喜歡的事 So I murder love in the night 因此我在夜裏幹掉愛 Watching them fall one by one, they fight 看着他們一個一個倒下,爭執打架 Did you think you'll love me too? 你有否想過自己也會愛上我? Baby, I'm a sociopath 寶貝,我是個反社會者 Sweet serial killer 挑事發火的 On the warpath 可愛連環殺手 'Cause I love you just a little too much 因為我只是愛你愛得有點過火 I love you just a little too much (much, much) 我只是愛你愛得有一點點過火 You can see me drinking Cherry Cola 你見到我喝着櫻桃味的可樂 Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 I left a love note 我給你留了張愛的字條 Said, you know I love the thrill of the rush 告訴你,你應該知道我喜歡刺激 You know I love the thrill of the rush 你應該知道我喜歡刺激 (You send me right to heaven) (你讓我置身天堂) Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 (I guess I'll see him over) (我想我會好好觀察他) Do it for the thrill of the rush 為了刺激 Love you just a little too much, much 只愛你愛得有點點過火 (You send me right to heaven) (你讓我置身天堂) Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 (I guess I'll see him over) (我想我會好好觀察他) I love you just a little too much 我只是愛你愛得有點過火 Love you just a little too much, much 只是愛你愛得有一點點過火 My black fire's burning bright 我的黑色之火燒得正旺 Maybe I'll go out tonight 可能今晚我會出去 We can paint the town in blue 我們可以令小鎮染上悲傷 I'm so hot, I ignite 我就是那麼熾熱,我燃燒 Dancing in the dark and I shine 黑暗中起舞的我出眾地 Like a light, I'm luring you 像火光閃耀,我引誘着你 Sneak up on you really quiet 悄悄地接近你 Whisper, "Am I what your heart desires?" 低語:「我是最想得到的東西嗎?」 I can be your ingenue 我可以成為你天真無邪的小女孩 Keep you safe and inspired 讓你靈感不斷 Baby, let your fantasies unwind 寶貝,解放你的幻想 We can do what you want to do 我們可以做你想做的事 Baby, I'm a sociopath 寶貝,我是個反社會者 Sweet serial killer 挑事發火的 On the warpath 可愛連環殺手 'Cause I love you just a little too much 因為我只是愛你愛得有點過火 I love you just a little too much (much, much) 我只是愛你愛得有一點點過火 You can see me drinking Cherry Cola 你見到我喝着櫻桃味的可樂 Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 I left a love note 我給你留了張愛的字條 Said, you know I love the thrill of the rush 告訴你,你應該知道我喜歡刺激 You know I love the thrill of the rush 你應該知道我喜歡刺激 (You send me right to heaven) (你讓我置身天堂) Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 (I guess I'll see him over) (我想我會好好觀察他) Do it for the thrill of the rush 為了刺激 Love you just a little too much, much 只愛你愛得有點點過火 (You send me right to heaven) (你讓我置身天堂) Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 (I guess I'll see him over) (我想我會好好觀察他) I love you just a little too much 我只是愛你愛得有點過火 Love you just a little too much, much 只是愛你愛得有一點點過火 Just have fun 只想好好享受 (Wanna play you like a Gameboy) (想要像玩掌上遊戲機那樣玩你) I don't want one 我不想要認真 (What's the thrill of the same toy?) (一直都是同一個玩具怎會有趣?) La-la, la-la, la, la-la, la-la, lie down, down 躺下吧 Just have fun 只想好好享受 (Wanna play you like a Gameboy) (想要像玩掌上遊戲機那樣玩你) I don't want one 我不想要認真 (What's the thrill of the same toy?) (一直都是同一個玩具怎會有趣?) La-la, la-la, la, la-la, la-la, lie down, down 躺下吧 Oh! 噢! You can see me drinking Cherry Cola 你見到我喝着櫻桃味的可樂 Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 I left a love note 我給你留了張愛的字條 Said, you know I love the thrill of the rush 告訴你,你應該知道我喜歡刺激 You know I love the thrill of the rush 你應該知道我喜歡刺激 (You send me right to heaven) (你讓我置身天堂) Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環殺手 (I guess I'll see him over) (我想我會好好觀察他) Do it for the thrill of the rush 為了刺激 Love you just a little too much, much 只愛你愛得有點點過火 (You send me right to heaven) (你讓我置身天堂) Sweet serial killer 可愛的連環手 (I guess I'll see him over) (我想我會好好觀察他) I love you just a little too much 我只是愛你愛得有點過火 Love you just a little too much, much 只是愛你愛得有一點點過火

