
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

贄ノ筵-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「贄ノ筵」(Offering Mat)

ご覧あれ 此処は贄ノ筵 Prithee, see, this is the offering mat 陵辱 座して Await to be insulted カタカタカタカタ…震える Shiver and shudder... With fear 喘いで呻き悶えてはのたうち回り舐め回す Gasp and groan and wriggle, then writhe and lick all over ぽたぽたぽたり…滴るは Drip, drip... It drops 「上」 ‘Up’ 「下」 ‘Down’ 「前」 ‘Front’ 「後」 ‘Back’ ご賞味あれ 此処は贄ノ筵 Prithee, enjoy, this is the offering mat 禁色 剥いで Peel off the forbidden colour ダラダラダラダラ…溢れる Plop, plop... It overflows 飲み干し吐いて溺れては喰らい綴り這い回る Drink up and puke and drown, then devour and slurp and crawl around ぽたぽたぽたり…零れるは官能に酔う性 Drip, drip… Nature intoxicating in senses spills 渦巻く「躁ト鬱」 ‘Irritation and gloom’ interweave 欲に忠実な犬畜生 Beasts follow their own desires 過る「悦ト鬱」 ‘Joy and gloom’ come 欲に忠実な犬畜生 Beasts follow their own desires 上目遣いで媚びる事を覚えて…ほら You learn to abase and flatter... Look 気がつけば裏返る白目と黒目 You are already rolling your eyes when you realise it 恍惚顔で媚びる事を覚えて…ほら You learn to flatter whilst looking enchanted... Look 気がつけばだらりと垂れ続ける舌 You are already licking boots when you realise it* 丑の刻 此処は贄ノ筵 At the hour of the ox, on the offering mat 緊縛 雁字搦め Tie up, be bound hand and foot ギチギチギチギチ… 拗れる Tighter and tighter... The rope tightens 膨らみ爆ぜて粉々に白い海の底に沈む Bulge and burst, shatter into pieces and sink into the bottom of the white sea ぽたぽたぽたり… 塗れるは淫靡な搾り滓 Drip, drip... Be covered with lewd lees 躁の裏 痛む鬱 Behind irritation, gloom aches 現 目隠す犬畜生 Beasts cover their eyes in reality 悦の裏 痛む鬱 Behind joy, gloom aches 夢も目隠す犬畜生 Beasts also cover their eyes in their dream 顔舐め回し媚びる事を覚えて…ほら You learn to fawn over and flatter... Look 気がつけば絞まり出す喉元の枷 Your throat is already chained when you realise it 頭を垂れて媚びる事を覚えて…ほら You learn to bow your head and flatter... Look 気がつけば映るは知らぬ化けの皮 You are already wearing a strange mask when you realise it

