
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Cherry-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)


Love (Yeah) 愛(對) I said real love is like feelin' no fear 真愛對我而言就像毫不懼怕 When you're standin' in the face of danger (Hey) 面前的危險 'Cause you just want it so much 因為你真的很渴望得到它 A touch (Yeah) 你真愛(對) from your real love 的輕撫 Is like heaven takin' the place of somethin' evil (Hey) 感覺就像天堂正在取代地獄 And lettin' it burn off from the rush, yeah, yeah (Fuck) 然後讓其在那陣強烈感情中燃燒殆盡(幹) Darlin', darlin', darlin' 親愛的,親愛的 I fall to pieces when I'm with you 和你在一起使我心碎 I fall to pieces 使我心碎 My cherries (Hey) and wine, rosemary and thyme 我的櫻桃美酒、迷情香草* And all of my peaches are ruined 和所有蜜桃都被毀了 Love (Yeah) 愛(對) Is it real love? 這是真愛嗎? It's like smilin' when the firin' squad's against ya (Hey) 這就像微笑着為你抵抗 And you just stay lined up, yeah (Fuck) 想要槍決你的行刑者(幹) Darlin', darlin', darlin' 親愛的,親愛的 I fall to pieces when I'm with you 和你在一起使我心碎 I fall to pieces (Bitch) 使我心碎(嘖) My cherries (Hey) and wine, rosemary and thyme 我的櫻桃美酒、迷情香草 And all of my peaches (Can I get a fuckin' hallelujah?) 和所有蜜桃(好事會降臨嗎?) Are ruined (Bitch) (Lookin' at me like a magazine) 都被毀了(像雜誌般看待我) My rose garden dreams (Can I get a fuckin' hallelujah?) 玫瑰園的夢(好事會降臨嗎?) Set on fire by fiends (Sippin' on ya like a Coca-Cola) 被惡魔放火燒了(像可樂那樣細口品嚐你) And all my black beaches (Can I get a fuckin' hallelujah?) 我的黑沙海灘(好事會降臨嗎?) Are ruined (Lookin' at me like a magazine) 都被毀了(像雜誌般看待我) My celluloid scenes (Can I get a fuckin' hallelujah?) 電影膠片(好事會降臨嗎?) Are torn at the seams (Sippin' on ya like a Coca-Cola, yeah) 被撕成碎片(像可樂那樣細口品嚐你) And I fall to pieces (Bitch) 而我因和你在一起(嘖) (Yeah) I fall to pieces when I'm with you 而心碎一地 (Why?) 'Cause I love you so much (為甚麼?)因為我真的很愛你 (Hey) I fall to pieces 我為你心碎 My cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme (Yeah) 我的櫻桃美酒、迷情香草(對) And all of my peaches are ruined (Yeah) 和所有蜜桃都被毀了(對) Are ruined (Bitch), are ruined (Fuck) 被毀了(嘖),被毀了(幹) *註解: rosemary and thyme:迷迭香和百里香亦曾出現在英國傳統民歌《史卡博羅市集(Scarborough Fair)》中,許多草本植物具有非常古老的象徵意義,是一種古時女巫迷情藥水的主配料。迷迭香象徵「忠誠」,因此它常被用於傳統婚禮的習俗,有「請你不要忘了我」的含意。百里香象徵「勇氣」,因此它在紋章學中佔有一席之地,有「得到勇氣繼續邁向未來」的含意。

