
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

愛怨忌焔-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「愛怨忌焔」(Love, Hatred, Jealousy, Flame)

面の皮を剥いでは化けの皮を縫い付ける When the cover is blown, a painted skin is sewed on 壹 貳 參 肆 伍 陸 漆 捌 玖 One two three four five six seven eight nine 重ね重ね嘯いて Act as if nothing had happened again and again 恨めしくも愛しい… 心壊れた傀儡 Hateful yet darling... The puppet's heart broke 壹 貳 參 肆 伍 陸 漆 捌 玖 One two three four five six seven eight nine 重ね重ね欺き Deceive again and again 「愛怨忌焔」 ‘Love, hatred, jealousy, flame’ 朧月を闇に落とす欲の黒い雨 其の淵を愛でる吐瀉の海 The black rain of desire makes the hazy moon fall into darkness, the brim of vomit enjoys the abyss ぎとり…ぎとり…垂れてくすむ欲の黒い雨 見開く眼に恍惚を Pitter... patter... the black rain of desire falls and dulls, let the eyes opened wide be distrait 痛み故に此処に在りし繋ぎ止めた空ら現 The hollow reality exists and is hitched for misery 剥離された昨の朔は風穴の夢 The new moon peeled off from yesterday is a dream of hole 裂けた歪から思わず漏れた最後の言葉は The last word leaked out from the distortion teared open is 「……………。」 ‘……………’ ぶらぶら下がる冷めた両の手 後ろの正面 蟲の声 The cold hands hang down and swing, there are sounds of bug from behind

