
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Bel Air-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

「Bel Air」(貝萊爾)

Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate 滴水嘴獸守在你的大閘前 Trying to tell me to wait, but I can't wait to see you 試着讓我等一會,但我等不及和你見面 So I run like I'm mad to heaven's door 所以我像個瘋子一樣跑到天堂之門 I don't wanna be bad, I won't cheat you no more 我想要改惡從善,我不會再你對你不忠 Roses, Bel Air 玫瑰,貝萊爾 Take me there 帶我到那裏去 I've been waiting to meet you 我一直很期待和你見面 Palm trees in the light 我能看見深夜裏 I can see late at night 閃耀的棕櫚樹 Darling, I'm waiting to greet you 親愛的,我很期待要迎接你 Come to me, baby 來我這裏吧,寶貝 Spotlight, bad baby, you've got a flair 聚光燈,壞男孩,你在給予最猛烈的愛 For the violentest kind of love anywhere out there 有着過人的天賦 Mon amour, sweet child of mine, you're divine 我的愛人,我可愛的孩子,你就像神一樣 Didn't anyone ever tell you it's okay to shine? 沒有人告訴過你你可以發光發熱嗎? Roses, Bel Air 玫瑰,貝萊爾 Take me there 帶我到那裏去 I've been waiting to meet you 我一直很期待和你見面 Palm trees in the light 我能看見深夜裏 I can see late at night 閃耀的棕櫚樹 Darling, I'm waiting to greet you 親愛的,我很期待迎接你 Come to me, baby 來我這裏吧,寶貝 Don't be afraid of me 別害怕我 Don't be ashamed 別感到內疚 Walk in the way of my soft resurrection 遵行我柔和的復活 Idol of roses, iconic soul 玫瑰的神,有名的靈魂 I know your name 我知道你的名字 Lead me to war with your brilliant direction 你絕佳的指引帶領我前往戰禍 Roses, Bel Air 玫瑰,貝萊爾 Take me there 帶我到那裏去 I've been waiting to meet you 我一直很期待和你見面 Palm trees in the light 我能看見深夜裏 I can see late at night 閃耀的棕櫚樹 Darling, I'm waiting to greet you 親愛的,我很期待迎接你 Come to me, baby 來我這裏吧,寶貝 Roses, Bel Air 玫瑰,貝萊爾 Take me there 帶我到那裏去 I've been waiting to meet you 我一直很期待和你見面 Grenadine sunshine 糖漿與陽光 Can you fade inside of mine? 你能從我心內消失嗎? Darling, I'm waiting to greet you 親愛的,我很期待迎接你 Come to me, baby 來我這裏吧,寶貝

