
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

BAD!!-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


嗚呼、腹を空かし迷い込んだって?ちょっと面貸して Ah, you said you were starving so you wandered in? Can I have your ear for a moment さあ、口を開けて僕を味わってもっと咀嚼してみてよ Now, open your mouth, enjoy me, chew a little bit more あのさ、悪いけれど少しはマシな事言ってみろ Well, this may sound mean, but try to say something better さあ、口を開けた途端に嗚咽ってなって吐き出した Now, you said ‘blech’ and you threw up as you opened your mouth SUCK!! SUCK!! 君もNot gourmetさ!! Neither are you a gourmet!! Cynical 糞 Society!! Cynical shitty society!! 君はNot cleaverだ!! You're not a cleaver!! 味音痴共消え失せな Shove off if you have no sense of taste 先見とかあるなら教えてよ Let me know if you have any foresight 嘘さ知るはずないから I know this is a lie, ’cause there's no way you'd know 好き勝手をベラベラ並べて談笑 Chattering about having your own way 想像力皆無な結末は Who said that 誰が言ったのでしょう It's a unimaginative ending うわぁぁぁぁああああ!! Ughhhhh!! つまらない音もくだらない詩も消えてくれよ全て I don't care if they're boring notes or stupid songs, get lost うわぁぁぁぁああああ!! Ughhhhh!! 僕がこの世の出来損ないなら If I'm just a failure もういらない?いらない? Will the world still need me? Birth And Die!! Be born and die!! アウトー!! Out!! 贋作まがいを食い尽くしてほら満足気な顔してみなさい Devour all the counterfeits and imitators, hey, show me that you're satisfied 脳まで腐って判断不良さその生き様には救いはない You're a total retard so you don't know what's good and what's bad, the way you live is unsavable 先見とかないから黙ってろよ Keep your mouth shut ’cause you have no foresight 誰も知るはずないから 'Cause there's no way anyone'd know 好き勝手になじれば結構 That'd be great if you get used to having your own way 生涯無様な有り様を Who's going to like 誰が好むというの Your clumsy life うわぁぁぁぁああああ!! Ughhhhh!! つまらない夢もくだらない愛も消え失せてよ全て I don't care if it's a boring dream or a stupid love, shove off うわぁぁぁぁああああ!! Ughhhhh!! 僕がこの世が死ぬほど嫌いさ I fucking hate this world もういらない!!いらない!! I've had enough!! 終わりだ!!くだばれ!! It's the end!! Screw you!! Birth And Die!! Be born and die!!

