
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

some song i forgot-love solfege(日中歌詞翻譯)

「some song i forgot」(我遺忘了的歌)

Little town is wrapped in the dark shadow from a mouse 小鎮被老鼠的黑影覆蓋 Elephant is dancing on the top of my palm, tapping it so nicely 我輕拍在我的掌心起舞的大象 Look at this, look at that, fish is crossing the black sun 四處看看吧,魚兒劃過黑色的太陽 Hey look here, hey look there, birdie is dreaming in bright sea 四處看看吧,小鳥兒在明亮的海中幻想着 I am on my way, humming humble song that I forgot a long long time ago 我在路上哼着我遺忘已久的無名小調 What was that thing I have been looking for? No, I don't know, no I can not recall 我究竟一直在尋在甚麼?不,我不知道,我想不起來 I can't find at all, such a dear thing 我完全找不到,明明是那麼珍愛的事物 Loved it so, but why? Such a precious thing 我曾經那麼深愛着,可是為甚麼?明明是那麼珍貴的事物 Can you hear my call? 你聽得見我的呼喚嗎? Yes I listen to you 對,我在傾聽你 Repeated words, on and on 重複的說話,不斷浮現 Where are you, I have been waiting for you? 你在哪裏?我一直在等待你 Yes I am here, so can you hear me? 對,我在這裏,你聽得見我嗎? Mirrored worlds made of bouncing words 生動文字所創造的鏡像世界 Little town is wrapped in the dark shadow from a mouse 小鎮被老鼠的黑影覆蓋 Elephant is dancing on the top of my palm, tapping it so nicely 我輕拍在我的掌心起舞的大象 Dear friend, wait for me, don't ever let go of dream 親愛的朋友,請你等我,別放棄夢想 Dear friend, wait for me, don't ever let go of that dream 親愛的朋友,請你等我,別放手那個夢想 Moon across the sky, black cat on the road 天上的月亮,街道上的黑貓 May be they telling me where I should go? 也許他們在告訴我應該去的地方? Show me the way with your little paws 請你用那小爪指引我 Kitty is my little playmate 貓咪是我的小玩伴 I am on my way humming dear song 我在路上哼唱我珍愛的 I won't forget, never ever more 我決不會再忘記的歌 What was that thing I have been looking for? 我究竟一直在尋在甚麼? Now I do know, Yes now I recall 現在我知道了,對,我想起來了 Couldn't find at all, princess fairytale 完全無跡可尋,公主的童話 Grew up and forgot? Such a precious tale 是長大後忘記了嗎?明明是那麼珍貴的故事 Do you remember me? 你記得我嗎? No I can not recall 不,我想不起來 Inverted words, on and on 倒轉的話語,不斷浮現 Yes I know it I have been waiting for you 對,我知道我一直在等待你 Yes I know it your real feelings 對,我知道你真正的感受 Mirrored worlds made of mystery words 神秘文字所創造的鏡像世界 And before we know sun will shine again 在我們知道太陽會再次昇起之前 Rainbow shows the way 彩虹將會引路 You are walking beside me, so hold my hand 你握着我的手,溫柔地朝着我微笑 Smile at me so nicely 與我一同前行 Dear friend, keep on, dream! Fairy tales aren't always sad 親愛的朋友,請繼續懷抱夢想!童話並非總是悲傷的 Dear friend, keep on, dream! We will be happy in the end 親愛的朋友,請繼續懷抱夢想!我們會有美滿結局的

