
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

蠱毒-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


蝕まれて崩れ落ちる 群がり巣食えば欲の坩堝 If they swarm and nest, that will be the melting pot of desire, it is eaten away and will soon collapse 擦り寄り 合掌 Bring your hands together, fold them 心の肉に塗りたくりましょう 「不幸」の甘い蜜を Daub your heart with the nectar of ‘misfortune’ 啄ばまれて逝く痛みを悼め 剥き出しの愛で Mourn the pain of getting beaked to death with undisguised love 罅割れ覗けば蠢く無数の性 If you peek through the crack, you will see thousands kind of characters wriggling 形を留めずとも生き残った私を最愛としよう I survived even though I left nothing behind, let me be your favourite 「死せず極に哭く」 ‘I bawl my eyes out for not being able to die’ 喰い潰せよ蠱毒 尽くせよ…凌辱の限り Poison, devour them, humiliate them with full effort... 「死せば獄の楽」 ‘You will go to hell if you’re dead’* 喰い潰したらば孤独 正に夢見心地 Loneliness will remain if they are all devoured, as if in a dream 閉じ籠る殻の中で舐る舌何を吐く The licking tongue is vomiting something in its own shell 独りで善がる「怨」「辛」「嫉」 The conceited ‘hatred’, ‘hardship’ and ‘jealousy’ 「寄り添う」と言えば聞こえの良い糸の切れた傀儡 ‘Staying close’ is only a feast to the ears of the broken puppet 糞の役にも立たぬ戯言塗れ Completely useless nonsense 私を喰らい私を生そう 現は夢見心地 Eat me and rear me, reality feels like a dream *Notes: 蠱毒: Gu, a venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue. The traditional preparation of gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures (e.g., centipede, snake, scorpion) inside a closed container, where they devoured one another and allegedly concentrated their toxins into a single survivor, whose body would be fed upon by larvae until consumed. The last surviving larva held the complex poison. Gu was used in black magic practices such as manipulating sexual partners, creating malignant diseases, and causing death. 死せば獄の楽: ‘獄’ is pronounced as ‘ごく’, which is the same as the kanji ‘極’. Hence, 獄の楽 may be a pun of ‘極楽 (ごくらく)’, meaning paradise or pure land.

