
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Body Electric-Lana Del Rey(英中歌詞翻譯)

《性感身軀》(Body Electric)

Elvis is my daddy 貓王是我爸爸 Marilyn's my mother 夢露是我的母親 Jesus is my bestest friend 耶穌是我最好的朋友 We don't need nobody 我們不需要任何人 'Cause we got each other 因為我們有彼此 Or at least I pretend 或者至少我假裝是那樣 We get down every Friday night 每逢星期五晚我們都會派對玩樂 Dancing and grinding in the pale moonlight 在蒼白的月光下貼身熱舞 Grand Ole Opry, we're feeling alright 大奧普里劇院,我們感覺不錯 Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind 聖母為我破碎不堪的心禱告 (I said don't worry 'bout it) (我說別擔心) I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric, baby 我歌頌性感的身軀,寶貝 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 I'm on fire 我慾火焚身 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 Whitman is my daddy 惠特曼是我爸爸 Monaco's my mother 摩納哥是我的母親 Diamonds are my bestest friend 鑽石是我最好的朋友 Heaven is my baby 天堂是我的寶貝 Suicide's her father 自盡是他的父親 Opulence is the end 奢華是我們的末路 We get down every Friday night 每逢星期五晚我們都會派對玩樂 Dancing and grinding in the pale moonlight 在蒼白的月光下貼身熱舞 Grand Ole Opry, we're feeling alright 大奧普里劇院,我們感覺不錯 Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind 聖母為我破碎不堪的心禱告 (I said don't worry 'bout it) (我說別擔心) I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric, baby 我歌頌性感的身軀,寶貝 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 I'm on fire 我慾火焚身 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 My clothes still smell like you 我的衣服仍留有你的味道 And all the photographs say you're still young 所有照片仍能看見你年輕的面容 I pretend I'm not hurt 我假裝自己沒受傷 And go about the world like I'm having fun 在世界不同角落演唱,裝作自己享受其中 We get crazy every Friday night 每逢星期五晚我們都會失去理智 Drop it like it's hot in the pale moonlight 在蒼白的月光下煽情熱舞 Grand Ole Opry, we're feeling alright 大奧普里劇院,我們感覺不錯 Mary swaying softly to her heart's delight 聖母隨着她喜愛的歌輕輕擺動 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric, baby 我歌頌性感的身軀,寶貝 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric 我歌頌性感的身軀 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 I'm on fire 我慾火焚身 Sing that body electric 歌頌性感的身軀 I sing the body electric, baby 我歌頌性感的身軀,寶貝 I sing the body electric, baby 我歌頌性感的身軀,寶貝 I sing the body electric, baby 我歌頌性感的身軀,寶貝 *註解: Body Electric:歌名來自美國詩人華特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman)的重要著作《草葉集》(Leaves of Grass)中的其中一首作品《我歌頌性感的身軀》(I Sing the Body Electric)

