
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

チキンライダー-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「チキンライダー」(Chicken Rider)

ブレイブハート見切り発車で I start in a hurry bravely 目隠し見い出し命からがら Search with my eyes covered, barely alive スリル啄み(ついばみ)笑顔でイクよ If I were defeated by myself (them) 俺(あいつ)に負けるくらいなら I would Indulge myself in thrills and head off with a smile 目標定めハンドルを固定して Set my goal, and fix the driving wheel さぁ、逃げられない Now I can't escape ガス欠ギリギリ I almost run out of gas 自己発エネルギー I Run wild and speed up in the game of chicken 暴走加速チキンレース With self-produced energy ブレーキ頼らない様にもう壊してる! I'm breaking the brake so I can't rely on it! 駆けろ! Run! 絶頂ライダー!フルアクセル! Top rider! At full throttle! 音速超え光の世界へ Surpass the speed of sound and head towards the world of light 爆ぜろ! Burst! 臨界点なんて突き抜けて Go throught the critical point ラストスパート燃えたぎるだろ? Isn't putting a spurt on thrilling? 興奮と絶望がデッドヒート! I'm feeling excited and hopeless! もうチキンなんて呼ばせない! I won't let anyone call me a chicken anymore! 運命(さだめ)は変えるもの-代わるのもの- Destiny is changeable -replaceable- 志、高く! Aim high! 翼広げ、舞い上がれ! Spread your wings and soar high! 後悔が半分 Face myself 向き合うのが自分 With a bit of regret ブレーキ捨てて理想求め Forget about the brake and strive for my dream アクセル踏むタイミング、 そう俺次第! When to step on the gas really depends on me! 飛ばせ! Fly! もうハイテンションさ、 わかるだろ? I'm so hyper right now, you know what I mean? スピード上げ不安乗りこなす I speed up and cope with the anxiety 放て! Go! 禁断症状のハイセンス The refined taste of withdrawal symptoms 昨日の俺にさよなら言うよ Say goodbye to my old self 弱気じゃねぇ!今、踏みとどまるな! You're not a coward! Don't give up! race のペースガンガン揺らすのは The earth that suppress the beat beat を飲んだ underground shakes my running pace まさかの鶏冠は裸で王様!? Could it be that the cock is the naked emperor!? なかなかやるやんコケコッコー☆ No bad, cock-a-doodle-doo☆ 火花散らしてバカ狂わして Make the sparks fly and send people mad グリルもボイルもまだ止しといて Don't grill or boil sup!sup! ニワトリ幅跳びフライ ×3 AWAY Sup!Sup! The cock does a long jump and fly×3 away ゴール決めればそこが終着点(おわり) If I've already decided my goal, it'll be my final destination まだまだ前向いていくぜ! I can still move forward! 限界なんてない! The sky's the limit! 駆けろ! Run! 絶頂ライダー!フルアクセル! Top rider! At full throttle! 音速超え光の世界へ Surpass the speed of sound and head towards the world of light 爆ぜろ! Burst! 臨界点なんて突き抜けて Go throught the critical point ラストスパート燃えたぎるだろ? Isn't putting a spurt on thrilling? 興奮と絶望が混ざり合ってクライマックスへ! Head to the climax with excitement and despair!

