
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

GOLD-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


A voting is held from now until 13 October 2022 18:00 (JST), the result will affect the story of the project. If you'd like to show your support to the camp of BabyKingdom, you can watch the music video of GOLD, and/or purchase the single ‘DEVIL ASYLUM’ and vote with the ballot paper that comes with the CD.
大地を揺るがす 赤い脈動は The red pulse that shakes the earth 無窮(むきゅう)の魂(こころ)に時を燃やす華 Is a blossom that burns time because of the boundless soul 千年万年用意された平凡安定なストーリーは The ordinary, stable story provided thousands years ago 何だろう?性に合わなくて Well... Isn't my thing Gold On!ド派手な城に招待 Gold On! Got invited to a splendid castle Gold On!浮世のラララ乱 Gold On! The floating world is dazzling Gold On!響かせ脳は昇天 Gold On! Let it resound, indulge in it Gold On!その目は遮断ラ乱 Gold On! Those eyes are covered by showiness 「咲かぬなら咲かせよう」 ‘I’ll make it bloom if it doesn’t’ 今黄金に染まれ 強行突破猛進 Now we turn gold, and force our way through and dash forward ギラギラ剥き出す牙 プライドさえも喰いつくす We bare our sparkling teeth, and are going to devour your pride 狡猾に唄え衝動暴走ノーダウト We sing cunningly, run wild impulsively without a doubt 抗いすら与えない勢の根はもう途絶えた Our vigour, being unable to resist, is already gone* Wake up!Raise up fire!We can do everything Wake up! Blaze up the fire! We can do anything 禍々しく燃え滾る懐には-闘争本能- Burning ominously inside us, -our instinct to fight- 光華散りゆくを 眺め高らかに Shatter brilliance, view arrogantly 地獄の果てから 孤高に笑えば If we wanna laugh aloofly in the bottom of hell 連勝街道待ったは無いよな 鋭角斬り込んでくNo.1 We gotta be on the winning streak, if we wanna be the No.1 that thrusts into it incisively 何度も 声に出せば良い We just have to speak out loud Gold On!お前のタマを頂戴 Gold On! Give me your soul Gold On!宴はラララ乱 Gold On! Mess up the feast Gold On!狼煙を上げりゃShow time Gold On! It's show time when the signal fire is lit Gold On!これより修羅となる Gold On! It's gonna be fierce 「西に昇る太陽」 ‘Sunrise from the west’ ほら踊れ 采配は心臓に任せ Dance, follow your heart 奏でる生命(いのち)の音 悪魔のようなDirty Smile Make the sound of life, give a dirty smile like a demon 難攻不落の繚乱を生きる Living in the invulnerable turmoil 揺らめく焔の影 The flickering shadow of fire 屍を超えて 鳴らせ轟音 Surpasses the predecessors, make a thunderous roar 今黄金に染まれ 強行突破猛進 Now we turn gold, and force our way through and dash forward ギラギラ剥き出す牙 プライドさえも喰いつくす We bare our sparkling teeth, and are going to devour your pride 狡猾に唄え衝動暴走ノーダウト We sing cunningly, run wild impulsively without a doubt 抗いすら与えない勢の根はもう途絶えた Our vigour, being unable to resist, is already gone Wake up!Raise up fire!We can do everything Wake up! Blaze up the fire! We can do anything 禍々しく燃え滾る懐には-闘争本能- Burning ominously inside us, -our instinct to fight-
*Note: 勢の根: Pronounced as ‘いきのね(息の根)’, which means life.

