
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ホーナズドラッグ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「ホーナズドラッグ」(Bonus Track)

果てしない夢を追いかけて Although we've been going all out 全力ですけど全力ですけど To realise our dream でもだけど時々せつなくて時々 Sometimes we do feel down でもいいやでもいいや生きてれば But that doesn't really matter as long as we're alive 焼肉食べたいな焼きたいな I wanna have grilled meat 豚肉でもいい鳥でもいい Either pork or chicken is fine でもだけどできたら牛肉が食べたい 'Though I wanna have beef if I can でもいいや食べれれば食べれれば But anything will do 明日は晴れるかな I wonder if it'll be sunny tomorrow そんなの知らね!知らねえ!! I don't care! I don't care!! *Note: ホーナズドラッグ:On his radio programme, Hayato mentioned he gave the position of dakuten of the song title a twist. The original meaning of the song title probably is ‘Bonus Track’.

