
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

惡鬼招雷-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Demon Evocation’(惡鬼招雷)

開戦が上等! War is right up my street! 一期の一振りを歩み出した衝動。嗚呼、 The impulse of taking a step forward with all my life. Ah, そこ退けって?そこ退けって 派手に謳え You said get outta there? Get outta there, you told me showily そこ退けって そこ退けって? 愛をほざけ You said get outta there. Did you say get outta there? Prattle on about love そこ退けって?そこ退けって 俺が描く。 Did you say get outta there? I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna kick them out そこ退けって そこ退けって? 天を目指せ You said get outta there. Did you say get outta there? Aim for the sky 此の掌を踊る 四季彩 The colours of four seasons, wrap me around their finger 四角張った浮世は窮屈すぎるんだ!(狂えない) The square world is too restrictive! (I can't unbridle myself) 宴を喰らい尽くす迅雷 Thunder devours the banquet 掌の中、蠢く。悪道の美学だ Wriggle on the palm. This is the aesthetics of evil paths 「お前をもっと呉れよ」 ‘Devote yourself wholeheartedly to me’ 心在るまま我思う儘に As I wish, at my pleasure 後悔などない 好きな様、生きてやるよ I'm gonna live as I am with no regrets 尻尾を巻いて逃げ出すんだ あの鬼だって Even that evil turns tail and runs 何処にも玉無しさ。笑えるだろう? I'll ruin everything no matter where I go. Funny innit? そこ退けって そこ退けって 派手に壊せ Get outta there, Get them outta there, destory showily そこ退けって そこ退けって 全て奪え Get outta there, get them outta there, deprive everything そこ退けって そこ退けって 牙を磨け Get outta there, get them outta there, sharpen your fangs そこ退けって そこ退けって 腹を決めろ。 Get outta there, get them outta there, make up your mind. 此の掌を踊る 四季彩 The colours of four seasons, wrap me around their finger 四角張った浮世 旭日に咲き誇れ、只。(色めく) Bloom for the morning sun in the square world. (Grow lively) 俺には神の悪趣は要らない I won't walk on God's evil paths 掌の中、蠢く。悪童の美学だ Wriggle on the palm. This is the aesthetics of brats 「お前をもっと呉れよ」 ‘Devote yourself wholeheartedly to me’ 心在るまま我思う儘に As I wish, at my pleasure この手の中攫む世界さ The night when hyenas tear necks to pieces has come (I can't unbridle myself) ハイエナが首を噛み千切る宵の刻だ(狂えない) In the world that is in my hand この身体は痛みを知らない My body ain't afriad of pain 掌の中、蠢く。悪道の美学だ Wriggling on the palm. This is the aesthetics of evil paths 「お前をもっと呉れよ」 ‘Devote yourself wholeheartedly to me’ 心在るまま我思う儘に As I wish, at my pleasure

