
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

妖語-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「妖語」(Story of a Fool)

今にして思えば全てが愚の骨頂に何も相違無く Now that I look back, everything was undoubtedly sheer folly 信じる心の無意味さを味わえどソレは限りなく無味 Though I have tasted the meaninglessness of trusting, it was always tasteless 順風満帆にも見えた…泥に塗れているとも知らず It seemed to be smooth sailing... I did not know that it was a quagmire 幸の温もりに浮かれてた…冷めた澱みに沈むとも知らず I was intoxicated with the warmth of happiness... But I did not know that I would sink in the cooled sediment 欺くか欺かれるか…二つに一つが現世を映す性か Either to fool or to be fooled... Is choosing between the two a practice that reflects this world 痛いよ…痛いよ… It hurts... It hurts... 骨が軋む音に混ざる悲鳴が獄炎にかき消されていく The shriek, mixed with the sound of cracking bone, is being erased by hellfire 気付いて…気付いて… Notice me... Notice me... 「ワタシ」はここにいる…涙の溶けたソレが語る妖語 ‘I’ am right here... The thing melted by tears tells the story of a fool 嘆く「ワタシ」を眺めては喉を鳴らしている「アナタ」 ‘Your’ mouth waters as ‘you’ look at ‘me’ sighing 歪に笑う面を被るソレを「アタシ」だと知ってか I wonder if you know the one wearing a mask with a twisted smile is ‘me’ 一つ二つと進む刻…化けの皮を剥がされたのは Time goes by... The one who was made reveal their true nature 「ワタシ」でも「アタシ」でもなく信じていた「アナタ」でした Was neither ‘me’ nor ‘me’, but ‘you’ I once believed in 欺くか欺かれるか…二つに一つの現 I understand that it is either to fool or to be fooled... The reality is to choose from one of them 「アレもコレも全てが勘違いだった」と刻まれていく中で思い知りました By engraving the fact that ‘everything went wrong’ in my heart 暗いよ…暗いよ… It is dark here... It is dark here... 重ね過ぎた朱が奪い去った…光も影も…何もかも… The thick vermilion took away... Light and shadow... Everything... 助けて…助けて… Help... Help... 上の空の「アナタ」 舌舐りが最後に見せてくれた景色 ‘You’ were absent-minded, anticipation was the last thing ‘you’ showed me 痛いよ…痛いよ… It hurts... It hurts... 骨が軋む音に混ざる悲鳴が獄炎にかき消されていく The shriek, mixed with the sound of cracking bone, is being erased by hellfire 気付いて…気付いて… Notice me... Notice me... 「ワタシ」はここにいる…涙の溶けたソレが語る妖語 ‘I’ am right here... The thing melted by tears tells the story of a fool 今にして思えば全てが愚の骨頂に何も相違無く Now that I look back, everything was undoubtedly sheer folly 信じる心の無意味さを味わえどソレは限りなく無味 Though I have tasted the meaninglessness of trusting, it was always tasteless 馬鹿故に馬鹿されていても、認められぬは絵空事 Even though I am fooled for I am a fool, pipe dreams are not recognised 骨も残らぬお粗末様 無味に終わる You cleaned the plate, the simple meal ends in tastelessness

