
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

enigma-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


脳内駆け巡り It's running through my head all day 高鳴るこの鼓動 My heart is thumping wildly さっきまでの情熱 Don’t mistake Don't miss take The passion you have until a moment ago 時間を忘れて I lost track of time 存分に浸って Immerse myself in the feelings 周りは見えない Only have eyes for you I adore you I adore you いつも同じだった I gradually テレビやマンガ達が Feel your existence 君を感じることで 重ねてる In the shows and comics I often read 素敵に思えたんだ It's such a beautiful thing 好きという気持ちに何回も出会っているけれど It isn't my first time falling in love for someone やっぱ謎が多い But it's really mysterious 毎回迷って It makes me puzzled every time Blowing up Blowing up 落ち着けるはずがない It's impossible to calm down 君に出会えたから 'Cause I've met you 少し恥ずかしくても 悪いことじゃない Being shy isn't something bad 好きな人 好きな物 Everyone has their 人それぞれだろう Special one and favourite thing その気持ちは世界を幸せにする That feeling is a marvelous song 絶唱 That brings the world sheer bliss アビーロードへ行って I long for you ビートルズの事を感じる様に Like how I'd feel the Beatles Longing for you On Abbey Road いつも流し見していた I feel your existence 映画やアニメ達で In the films and animations 君を感じられるんだ 感じてる That I often skim watch 君が好きなものを I'll come to like 僕も好きになるんだ Things you love それで少しだけ近づけた気分になれると思っていたけど I though that can help me get a little closer to you まだまだ遠いねだったら But it's never enough 違う角度で君を喜ばせたいと思うよ So I wanna make you happy in a different way 落ち着けるはずがない It's impossible to calm down 君に出会えたから 'Cause I've met you 少し恥ずかしくても 気持ちを伝えよう Though it's a bit embarassing, I still wanna let you know how I feel about you 好きと嫌いは紙一重というけれど There's just a fine line between like and dislike フラれた人が言った言葉なんだろう But that's something someone who got dumped would say 君の為に For you

