
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

月ノ姫 -再録--己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「月ノ姫 -再録-」(Princess from the Moon -Re-recording-)

心の淵に触れる事も無い 貴方達が伸ばす手は Your reaching hands cannot even reach the deepest part of my heart 「私の為に…」「私の為に…」 嘘で固め己の欲を晒す ‘For me...’, ‘for me’, you spin a web of lies and show your greed 真と語る模造の愛は脆く儚く灰と散り The false love that tells sincerity is fragile and mutable, it turns into ash 私の闇を見上げた其処は淡く光る虚無の月 I looked up to the darkness, it is the gleaming empty moon 信じる事は絶望を知る事と… I will know what is despair if I believe... 信じない事は孤独に染まる事と… I will feel lonely if I do not believe... 四面楚歌の虐げの果てに救いを I pray for salvation in the end of the lonely, helpless torture 月へと還ると告げた時に見え隠れさせていた貴方達の心情 When I tell you that I am returning to the moon, I made your moods swing 本当は誰にも必要とされない 「さようなら」の一言も言わせて貰えない No one in fact needs me, I'm not even allowed to say 'farewell' 信じる事は絶望を知る事と… I will know what is despair if I believe... 信じない事は孤独に染まる事と… I will feel lonely if I do not believe... 暗い部屋の中、指につけた傷と In the dark room, I compare the wound on my finger 心に出来た傷を照らし合わせて With the scar in my mind 痛みを感じる事の出来ない心の傷の方が痛く苦しいのは何故…? Though my heart cannot feel any pain, why does the scar hurt much more? 月へと還ると告げた時に見え隠れさせていた貴方達の心情 When I tell you that I am returning to the moon, I made your moods swing 本当は誰にも必要とされない 「さようなら」の一言も言わせて貰えず No one in fact needs me, I'm not even allowed to say 'farewell' それでも私は信じたかった 欺瞞にも一輪の美しさがあると Still, I wished to believe, that there is something good about deceiving 私が私である事の意味 生まれ咲き、散り死に行く走馬灯の意味を… The meaning of I am myself, and the meaning of blooming and withering like a revolving lantern...

