
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

AXIZ-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


目覚めた時から I noticed it as I woke up 僕は気付いて閉まったんだ心の奥に So I shut myself off 絶望的アンチNonfiction? A hopeless anti-nonfiction? 洗礼された文字のHalation? The halation of words baptised by fire? 会釈世界に傘をさす I put up an umbrella in the cold world それでも降り続ける明日 Still, it continues to rain tomorrow 「今を生きる為」 ‘To live in the present’ AXIZ僕を導いて AXIZ, please guide me 晴れなくていいよせめて歩ける道進みたい The sky doesn’t have to be clear, I just want to be on the right track 僕の心が叫んでいた My heart was crying 脆く 疼く 悲しげに Fragilely, hurtfully, sorrowfully 歪む景色は雨模様 The twisted scenery is drizzling 小さく華奢な掌 Are the tiny hands 何かを救う事も叶わないのか Too weak to save anything それでも降り続ける明日 Still, it continues to rain tomorrow 「今を謳う為」 ‘To praise the present’ 信じ抜く事を諦めたくない I don’t want to give up on things I believe in 土砂降りの雨 流されてる同じ顔の人形 The doll with the same face as I do is being carried away by the pouring rain* 僕は僕の想った事の I want to end the pain and fear 痛い 怖いを終わらす Of things in my mind 霞む景色は晴れ模様 The hazy scenery is clearing up 気付いて… Please notice… AXIZ僕を導いて AXIZ, please guide me 晴れなくていいよせめて歩ける道進みたい The sky doesn’t have to be clear, I just want to be on the right track 僕の代わりに空が泣いた The sky cried on my behalf 君を映す水面へと The rainbow in the blue scenery 澄んだ景色に虹架かる Brings me to the water surface that reflects your faces *Notes: AXIZ:According to ROY's tweet, AXIZ means ‘axis’. The S is changed to Z to give the meaning of ‘from A to Z’ and ‘covering everything’. 土砂降りの雨 流されてる同じ顔の人形: ‘人形’ is pronounced as doll.

