
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

Is This Love~夜明けの前~-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Is This Love ~Before Daybreak~’(Is This Love~夜明けの前~)

君の涙に触れた 切なくて 愛しさに溢れ I saw your eyes brimmed with tears for tenderness それが君の本当の気持ちだと分かっていたけど Though I know that's how you really feel 戻れない 昔のようには We can never go back 優しさに潰されそうで Gentlenss is about to break us two ごめんねと最後まで慰め合う2人 Comforting each other with apologies until the last moment 愛してた The two were in love 君の事置き去りにした僕に愛を語る資格は As I left you behind, I guess I have no right ないのかもな To talk about love 数えきれない笑顔 思い出と愛をくれたけど Countless of your smiles brought me good times and love 続ければ続くほど辛くなる物語がある But the longer this story is, the more painful we'll feel 優しさだけじゃ生きられない We can't live only gentleness だけど僕は求めてしまう But I'm hoping for more 好きだよの一言が いつからか嘘に変わっていた At some point, I love you became a lie これ以上傷付けないと 僕は君に終わりを告げた I broke up with you so as not to hurt you anymore 夜明けの前 Before daybreak 記憶のカケラ 君が笑う You're smiling in my memory 錆び付いてく両手が My hands are rusting away あんなに笑って こんなに泣けるのに We had so much fun, but now we can't hold back our tears 心は剥がれて崩れてく Our hearts are breaking into pieces ごめんねと最後まで慰め合う2人 Comforting each other with apologies until the last moment 愛してた The two were in love 君の事置き去りにした I just left you behind ただワガママに Wilfully 好きだよの一言が いつからか嘘に変わっていた At some point, I love you became a lie これ以上傷付けないと 僕は君に終わりを告げた I broke up with you so as not to hurt you anymore 夜明けの前 Before daybreak

