
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

めっちゃアーメン-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

「めっちゃアーメン」(Truly Amen)

めっちゃアーメン 君が好ギィィ! I truly adore youuuu! 離れないで君の側にいたい Don't leave, I want to be by your side 恐れないで私からの想い Don't be afraid of my feelings for you どんな時も思い浮かべるの You're always on my mind 「今日は残業帰り遅い」 'Gonna come home late cuz I hafta work overtime' 連絡が無いもう病んだわ辛い You're not contacting me, which makes me fret, I can't 不安になる生きてるの?どうなの? I'm so worried. Are you okay? What happened? もしも君が死神に憑かれて What am I gonna do if you were haunted 明日連れて行かれたらどうしよう… And being taken away by Death from me... めっちゃアーメン 君が好き I truly adore you, amen めっちゃアーメン お祈りを I pray and pray and pray 病気、事故も災害も That there'll be no more 全部ゼロに収束して Diseases, accidents and disasters めっちゃアーメン 君が好き I truly adore you, amen めっちゃアーメン お祈りを I pray and pray and pray あっち見るのもそっちを見るのもね Please don't look that side or that side よそ見はしちゃだーめ!アーメン!ダメダメダメ! Don't look around! Please! I beg you! 右手と左手を絡めたら If we interwine our hands それは恋人だけに許された It's gonna look like 繋ぎ方になんだか似てるね The way how couples do it 誰かの無事を祈る時 When they're praying for someone's safety そして誰かに愛届ける時 When they're sending their love to someone 人はこうして目を閉じて言うんでしょう People close their eyes and say this, don't they めっちゃアーメン 君が好き I truly adore you, amen めっちゃアーメン お祈りを I pray and pray and pray 病気、事故も災害も That there'll be no more 全部ゼロに収束して Diseases, accidents and disasters めっちゃアーメン 君が好き I truly adore you, amen めっちゃアーメン お祈りを I pray and pray and pray あっち見るのもそっちを見るのもね Please don't look that side or that side よそ見はしちゃだーめ!アーメン!ダメダメダメ! Don't look around! Please! I beg you! もしも君が死神に憑かれて What am I gonna do if you were haunted by Death まさか悪魔にも誘われて Probably also tempted by the devil しかも吸血鬼に噛まれて And even bitten by a vampire 明日おかしくなったらどうしよう… And went mad the next day... めっちゃアーメン 君が好き I truly adore you, amen めっちゃアーメン お祈りを I pray and pray and pray 病気、事故も災害も That there'll be no more 全部ゼロに収束して Diseases, accidents and disasters めっちゃアーメン 君が好き I truly adore you, amen めっちゃアーメン お祈りを I pray and pray and pray あっち見るのもそっちを見るのもね Please don't look that side or that side よそ見はしちゃだーめ!アーメン!ダメダメダメ! Don't look around! Please! I beg you!

