
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

PRECIOUS ROSE-BabyKingdom(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


静かに鞭を打ちつけ The bread that keeps one alive 棘を立て巻きつく At this difficult time この時を生き抜く為 Where whips are cracked silently 命を繋ぐ糧 And thorns revealw themselves and twine 赤い華で情熱を Even though petals will fade 青い華で奇跡を示せ Show your passion with red flowers 花弁色褪せても And miracle with blue fowers さぁ今立ち上がれ Now, get up 誇り高き姿見せ Be proud of yourself さあ今振りかざせ Now, wield 裁きの剣を The judgement sword 咲き誇り凛と散るは A fleeting dream 刹那の夢模様 Will be in full bloom and fall nobly 限られた命の中で華やかに彩る She colours resplendently in her limited life 美しく生きる宿命 The fate of living beautifully 激しく儚く Intensely, transiently 愛を誓い祈り捧げ Pledged love, said her prayer 静寂を生きた Lived in silence PRECIOUS ROSE PRECIOUS ROSE 緑の華希望を託し Pin hopes on green flowers 黄色の華で平和を見つけ Find peace with yellow flowers 枯れない永遠の象徴となる Become the symbol of eternity that doesn't wither さぁ今立ち上がれ Now, get up 誇り高き姿見せ Be proud of yourself さあ今降りしきる Now, fall 業火の花吹雪よ Blossoms of hellfire 上弦の月照らし出す The waning moon 夜明けの幻 Exposes visions of daybreak 絡みつく欲望の中で少女は夢を見る Maiden dreams in the twining desire 美しく生きる宿命 The fate of living beautifully 激しく儚く Intensely, transiently 愛を誓い祈り捧げ Pledged love, said her prayer 静寂を生きた Lived in silence PRECIOUS ROSE PRECIOUS ROSE 魂の太陽隠す O, timid sky 臆病な空よ That hides the sun of soul 求めれば求める程に闇世へ導くの? Will you lead me more to the dark world if I ask for more? 咲き誇り凛と散るは A fleeting dream 刹那の夢模様 Will be in full bloom and fall nobly 限られた命の中で華やかに彩る She colours resplendently in her limited life 美しく生きる宿命 The fate of living beautifully 激しく儚く Intensely, transiently 愛を誓い祈り捧げ Pledged love, said her prayer 静寂を生きた Lived in silence PRECIOUS ROSE PRECIOUS ROSE

