
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


Upside inside out Upside inside out 欲望途絶えて消えた Desires are gone Upside inside out Upside inside out もう戻れない teenage dream The teenage dream people can never go back to 愛されたいばかりが増し Just wants to be loved 見失う事にも慣れて Is used to losing 字は読めても本質は読めない Can read but doesn't understand the meaning behind those words 何を見つめる? What should I gaze at? 君が選ぶ言葉は俺を救い殺すだろう Don't you know the words you choose save and kill me 生きていたい I want to live 強く生きてもっと伝えたいんだ I want to be strong and tell 声の限り叫ぶよ That I'll scream at the top of my lungs 君が居ればいい I just want to be with you 例えこれが矛盾を生む Keep your chin up 悲劇だとしても迷わずに進め Even if this is a contradicting tragedy 喜劇に変えて Turn it into a comedy DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE Upside inside out Upside inside out パンドラの箱を開く Open Pandora's box Upside inside out Upside inside out 底に希望はあるか Is hope at the bottom of the box 明日を望む事で俺は Hoping for tomorrow 君を遠ざけていた Kept me away from you 生きていたい I want to live 弱く生きてずっと孤独でいたい I want to stay weak and be alone forever それなのに欲しいのは Nevertheless 君が居ればいい I just want to be with you 信じることで裏切られ I'll be betrayed if I trust 心を開けば傷ついてしまう I'll end up getting hurt if I open myself up 誰か教えて Can someone tell me DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE 君が生きるこの世界は What is the world you're living in 今何を映している? Showing? 真実とか偽りだとか There's no answer 答えなんてないんだ On whether that is a truth or a lie 生きていたい I want to live 強く生きてもっと伝えたいんだ I want to be strong and tell 声の限り叫ぶよ That I'll scream at the top of my lungs 君が居ればいい I just want to be with you 例えこれが矛盾を生む Keep your chin up 悲劇だとしても迷わずに進め Even if this is a contradicting tragedy 喜劇に変えて Turn it into a comedy Drink up the world of chaos Drink up the world of chaos Never,DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE Never, DAZZLING ABYSS PARADE

