
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

DISTURBO-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


憂いの交差点 The intersection of fear 苦しみ 痛みに阻まれた We were blocked by misery and pain 進む事強要の雑踏 この目が眩む The crowd demanding to go forward confuses me 懲りず立ち向かうか? Are we going to confront this again? 壁を越えるか? Are going to overcome the difficulties? 答えは分かるだろう I bet you already know the answer 飛ばせ 希望積む僕ら 加速忘れない Soar high, we, feeling hopeful, didn't forget to speed up 遥かな空へ To somewhere far away in the sky Where we're going, we don't need roads Where we're going, we don't need roads 形勢逆転の邪魔者さ We are obstacles that reverse the situation We do disturb you! We do disturb you! 渇きが行き渡り Thousands of desires 権力でねじ伏せられた夢 Dreams succumbed under power 多勢に無勢が負ける訳じゃない We won't lose to the great disparity 怯えないで Don't be afraid 今立つその場所が If where you are at now 生き辛いのなら Gives you tough times 自由を求めていい Seek for freedom 乱せ 野望阻止で新しい世界 Disturb it, even though the new world that bars the way of our ambition 制御不能でも Is beyond control Where we're going, we don't need roads Where we're going, we don't need roads 下剋上なんかよりもずっと This is gonna be more than just the low overcomes the high We will disturb you! We will disturb you! この手で誰かを負かす事よりも I want to protect my loved ones 大切な人を守りたいんだ More than defeating someone with my hands その意思貫き 僕は誓うよ I'm going to vow to carry my belief 飛ばせ 希望積む僕ら 加速忘れない Soar high, we, feeling hopeful, didn't forget to speed up 遥かな空へ To somewhere far away in the sky 道は必要ない We don't need roads 形勢逆転の邪魔者さ We are obstacles that reverse the situation We do disturb you! We do disturb you!

