
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

御乖離-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


嗚呼、ごめん父さん Sorry dad 気付いてないでしょうが I bet you didn't notice anything 伝えたいと思っていた 感謝はしてる But gratitude is something I'd like to express to you ねえ、ゴメン なんか唐突な話で I'm sorry for bringing this up suddenly 生きる事なんてやめて楽になりたいんだ I want to be freed so I end my life 世間が僕の居場所を奪うから 'Cause the world took away my place to be 世間が僕を邪魔者にするから 'Cause the world sees me as an obstacle 世間が僕の事否定するから 'Cause the world denies my existence 世間が僕を望んではないから 'Cause the world isn't expecting anything from me 嗚呼、ごめん⺟さん Sorry mum 親不孝ものだって言うでしょ I bet you're gonna say こんな僕をきっと責めるでしょ That I'm an ungrateful son ねぇ、ゴメン なんかこんな終わり方で I'm sorry for how this ended 先立つ不孝許してほしい どうかお元気で Please forgive me for leaving before you and being ungrateful, please take care 世間が僕の居場所を奪うから I chose death 世間が僕を邪魔者にするから 'Cause the world took away my place to be 世間が僕の事否定するから 'Cause the world sees me as an obstacle もう死ぬことにしました 'Cause the world denies my existence 僕が消えたなら それで終われるの Would everything come to an end if I disappeared いつも一人泣いてた ずっとずっと生きたいと I used to cry alone all the time, that I really want to live 嗚呼、真実は知りもしないでしょうが I bet you don't know the truth ずっと一人苦しかった 言えなかった I couldn't tell anyone that I was in agony ねぇ、ごめん なんかこんな卑怯者で I'm sorry that I was a coward 不思議だけど この心に未練はないんだよ It's a bit strange, but I've never regretted 世間が僕の居場所を奪うから 'Cause the world took away my place to be 世間が僕を邪魔者にするから 'Cause the world sees me as an obstacle 世間が僕の事否定するから 'Cause the world denies my existence 世間が僕を望んではないから 'Cause the world isn't expecting anything from me 息を吸って見下ろす景色に I took a deep breathe, murmured 'goodbye' to the scenery below me 「サヨナラ。」と呟いて目を閉じた And closed my eyes 僕が消えたなら 全てが終わるの Would everything come to an end if I disappeared いつも一人泣いてた ずっとずっと生きたいと I used to cry alone all the time, that I really want to live こんな僕を救ってと Please save me *御乖離: From Cure vol. 180, the song was written the same time as 'ゼロ.アイデンティティー' (Zero Idenitity), and the story was set few seconds before that fo the latter. The song is titled '御乖離' (Dissocation) because, to Hayato, dying, leaving important people like your parents and having a broken heart are also forms of dissociation or alienation.

