
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

ROTTEN MIND-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


くたばりやがで* Get lost 日々の恨み辛み書き綴ってナンボ You find your value by writing about your hatred and cruelty 笑顔の裏には真っ黒なウソ Behind the smiles is a sea of downright lies だけど僕たち(私たち)はいつでも健気で But we are always brave あの人の前ではお利口さんなの And good boys (good girls) before them A lot of MIND!! A lot of MIND!! 腐っている顔をして* Show me how depraved you are あ、あ、あ、荒れよう荒れよう好きにしよう Ah, ah, ah, stir things up, stir things up, just as you will* バレないって信じたいの Do you think that no one's gonna find out 死角無いよかかってこいさあ I have no blind spot, bring it on 無双故、敵などいない I'm matchless, therefore unbeatable 自分は特別そう思いたいの Do you think that you're special Go to the BAD!! Go to the BAD!! お前のことだよ* I'm talking about you AI=人工知能 AI=artificial intelligence あれよあれよ構って頂戴 Look at me, look at me つべこべ言いたいの Do you wanna talk nonsense だけど君は黙っていられない But you can't shut your mouth up 我れ先に感情があーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Feelings are scrambling out ofーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 荒れよう荒れよう好きにしよう Stir things up, stir things up, just as you will バレないって信じたいの Do you think that no one's gonna find out 自覚無いよ終わってるでしょ? Are you really not aware that this is coming to an end? 殺し合いさ胸張って一刺し Killing each other, now stab him proudly *Notes *Lyrics were not on the official lyrics 荒れよう: '荒れる' is a term commonly used on Japanese anonymous forum when users were stiring things up (exposing secrets of certain member of a band)

