
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

しつけ-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


君たちはしつけが足りない You all are spoiled 聞き分けのない人間は害 Disobedients are harm 真実も見抜けない馬鹿共が Idiots who can't even see through the truth 雁首揃えて待ってろ Just you wait 俺が全部まとめて切り落としてやる I'm gonna chop off all your heads with just one chop 嫌々!! 苛々!! Knock it off!! It's getting on my nerves!! 口答えで全てを捲し立てる You're talking back on and on about everything 嫌々!! 苛々!! Knock it off!! It's getting on my nerves!! 口開けば全てを否定してる You're denying everything as soon as you speak 聞く耳持たん人間破壊 Destroy people who never listen 信じて疑わない馬鹿共は Idiots who believe wholeheartedly 野垂れ死んで消えてしまえ Go die like a dog どうせ何もできぬならでしゃばるな Drop dead 'cause silence is better than bullshit 嫌々!!苛々!! Knock it off!! It's getting on my nerves!! 多勢無勢中立咲き乱れ Majority, minority and neutrality, burst into bloom 嫌々!!苛々!! Knock it off!! It's getting on my nerves!! 悲惨な光景に目も当てられん I can't stand this miserable situation 悪夢なら覚めてくれと誰かが嘆いた Someone sighed, wake up if this is a nightmare* 今心さえも塗り潰す黒い雨 The black rain is even going to fill up my heart now 誰だこんな時代にしたのは Who chose this period 近代思想の成れの果て The end of modern ideas and thoughts 誰だ標的を探したがる Who wants to look for a new target 責任転嫁には反吐が出る Buck-passing makes me sick 悪夢なら早く覚めてと天を仰いだ I looked up at the sky and thought, wake up if this is a nightmare* まだ止む事ない降り頻る黒い雨の中 In the falling black rain 全て世迷言 Everything is just grumblings 誰も知らない知りたくない No one knows or wants to know 目を背け続けてもその裏で It's still there even if you keep avoiding it 聞き分けのない人間は害 Disobedients are harm 真実も見抜けない Unable to see through the truth 誰も知らない知るはずない No one knows or will ever know 目を背け続けてもその裏で It's still there even if you keep avoiding it 聞く耳持たん人間破壊 Destroy people who never listen 今日も誰かの正義が誰か殺した Someone's justice killed someone today Notes: 悪夢なら覚めてくれと誰かが嘆いた:'悪夢' is pronounced as 'ゆめ (夢)'. 悪夢なら早く覚めてと天を仰いだ:Same as the above.

