
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

結晶-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


今 僕の空も 白く染まってく Now, my sky is also turning white 光が夜空照らす様に Breathtaking 綺麗なまま Like how light brightens the night sky ねぇ 忘れかけたあの日の情景を Chilly winds and breaths 冷たい風と白い吐息達が Remind me again また思い出させるよ The scenes on the day I almost forgot 子どもの頃に見た物語と The season where stories and love songs 愛の詩 We saw and heard when we were young 誰もが夢を描く季節 Bring dreams to everyone 素敵さで満たされる Will be filled up by wonderfulness 降り注ぐ雪が綺麗だね How beautiful the falling snow is 人の願いの数だけ降るなら If it falls as much as the amount of wishes 寒さもきっと温もりへ変わるだろう I guess even coldness will turn into warmth 僕らを包んで The snow wraps us around 思い出も溶けてしまう前に Before our memories melt In excelsis Deo In excelsis Deo どんなプレゼントも None of the gifts 君には適わない Suits you 街中の夢 世界中の空へ Dreams in the city take off to the sky さぁ 羽ばたき輝け Now, spread your wings and shine 歳重ね 僕達は We grow older 雪の色さえも疑ってしまってる And even begin to doubt the colour of snow きっと僕らは…ずっと…… If that's what's being an adult means それが大人だと言うのならば Then... We just... 子どものままでいい Wanna stay young 降り注ぐ雪が綺麗だね How beautiful the falling snow is 人の願いの数だけ降るなら If it falls as much as the amount of wishes 寒さもきっと温もりへ変わるだろう I guess the coldness will turn into warmth 僕らを包んで The snow wraps us around 思い出も溶けてしまう前に Let's have a holy kiss 聖なる口付けを Before our memories melt

