
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

獄門-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Prison Gate’(獄門)

咲乱 錯乱 弥生ノ空ニ Be in full bloom, disordered, in the March sky* 紅ク 赫キ 血弁ハ万華鏡 The vermilion, scarlet, blood petals are just like a kaleidoscope 御涕 一ツ 負ノ肯 二ツ A drop of tear, two affirmations of negativity 賽子 喝采 来 Dice, cheers, come 雁首 一ツ 影踏 二ツ A head, two shadows 百ヲ数エドモ… Even if you count... 咲乱 錯乱 霞カ雲カ In full bloom, disordered, is this mist or clouds* 螺子レ 攀ジレ 七花八裂 Twist, clamber, be torn apart 御涕 一ツ 負ノ肯 二ツ A drop of tear, two affirmations of negativity 賽子 喝采 儡 Dice, cheers, puppets 慟哭 一ツ 嗜ノ虐 二ツ One wails, two sadistic feelings 嘲侮ト憫笑 Ridicules and pitiful smiles 御涕 一ツ 負ノ肯 二ツ A drop of tear, two affirmations of negativity 賽子 喝采 乖 Dice, cheers, obedience 能面 一ツ 剥落 二ツ A noh mask, peels off into two 糜爛ノ心中 Rotten group suicide 合掌 Palm to palm 御涕 一ツ 負ノ肯 二ツ A drop of tear, two affirmations of negativity 賽子 喝采 穢 Dice, cheers, filth 其ノ頸 一ツ 手ノ首 二ツ A neck, two wrists 鮮花 死化粧 Fresh flowers, mortuary makeup 御涕 一ツ 負ノ肯 二ツ A drop of tear, two affirmations of negativity 賽子 喝采 罪 Dice, cheers, crime 情モ要ラヌ 赦モ成ラヌ 宴モ酣ニ They need no sympathy, cannot be pardoned, the banquet is at its height 鬼ハ外 Demons out *Notes: 獄門: Prison gate. The word also refers to a penalty during the Edo period which the head of the beheaded offender was displayed at the prison gate. 弥生ノ空ニ: Lyrics from 'Cherry Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms' (さくら さくら, Sakura Sakura), a traditional Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry blossoms. 霞カ雲カ: Same as the above.

