
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

靂霹ノ天青-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘eulB eht morf tloB A’(靂霹ノ天青)

_金_水__月 中__帝___ _yreve _ no ,_ _ eripmE _ _ ecifircaS 厘五錢一ド__耗_種一_ nir evif dna nes eno _ elbamusnoc _ epyT 歳万 yrtnuoc ruo ot yrolG 「しべす期に沈轟!ぞせなぢ耻そぢ愧なに旗」 ‘ymene ruo knis llahs eW !galf eht ecargsid ton oD !galf eht tnioppasid ton oD’ 譽ノ身ソ___テミ進 火戰ルタ_赫ノ軍_ yrolg dna ruonoh su _ _ _ ylno ,ymene eht _ ecrof _ _ _回 全_碎_ シセ_決然_總億_ elbat _ _ dna ,_ _ a sa evil naht _ _ a fo eid _ dluow ,pu _ noitan elohw _ 金_木_火月_ _心國____ yad_ ytud _ ,_ _ eripmE _ rof _ ハデマツ勝ンセマリガシ欲 niw ew litnu gnihtyna tnaw ton od eW ダ敵ハ沢贅 ymene ruo si yruxuL __ニ_陛__ _ eht _ gnoL 「すまき征に義大の久悠、様上母父」 ‘ecitsuj lanrete eht rof raw eht ot gniog ma I ,rehtom ,rehtaF’ 爲ノ__ ンマ止シテ__ イ_振ヲ_御ニ笑_喜悲 _ _ rof thgif eht _ _ ,selims _ sraet htiw _ eht evaw _ 風_ _瓦_玉 國報_盡ゲ_ヲ_自 ylsselkcer _ _ ,elit elohw _ _ _ naht edaj nekorb _ _ _ _ dluow ,_ yrtnuoc eht evres dna _-fles rof si siht _ eW 櫻ル散 モ櫻ル殘 櫻ル散 llaf osla lliw srewolf gniniamer eht neve ,llaf smossolb yrrehC

「青天ノ霹靂」(A Bolt from the Blue)

大日本帝國心中 月月火水木金金 Sacrifice for the Empire of Japan, on duty everyday* 第一種消耗品ナド一銭五厘 Type one consumable causes one sen and five rin* 万歳 Glory to our country 「旗にな愧ぢぞ耻ぢなせぞ!轟沈に期すべし」 ‘Do not disappoint the flag! Do not disgrace the flag! We shall sink our enemy’* 皇軍ノ赫赫タル戰火 進ミテ散ルコソ 身ノ譽 The imperial force crushes the enemy, only dying bravely brings us honour and glory* 一億總俄然決起セシ 玉砕瓦全 回天 The whole nation rises up, would rather die of a broken jade than live as a whole tile, and turns the table* 大日本帝國心中 月月火水木金金 Sacrifice for the Empire of Japan, on duty everyday 欲シガリマセン勝ツマデハ We do not want anything until we win* 贅沢ハ敵ダ Luxury is our enemy* 天皇陛下ニ万歳 Long live the emperor 「父母上様、悠久の大義に征きます」 ‘Father, mother, I am going to the war for the eternal justice’ 悲喜泣笑ニ御旗ヲ振ルイ 討チテシ止マン 御國ノ為 We wave our flag with tears and smiles, keep up the fight for our country* 自衛ヲ掲ゲ盡忠報國 玉砕瓦全 神風 We claim this is for self-defense and serve the country faithfully, would rather die of a broken jade than live as a whole tile, dangerously and recklessly* 散ル櫻 殘ル櫻モ 散ル櫻 Cherry blossoms fall, even the remaining flowers will also fall Notes: 月月火水木金金: 'On Duty Everyday" (Getsu-Getsu-Ka-Sui-Moku-Kin-Kin, literally "Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Friday"), is a Japanese war song during WWII. 日, 月, 火, 水, 木, 金, 土 are the days of week in Japanese - sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday respectively. The song title means working everyday (there is no weekend); during WWII, this was a song that praised hardworkingness. 一銭五厘: Postage was one sen and five rin during WWII in Japan. A Japanese soldier's life was only worth as much as postage, as draft cards were mailed to the qualifieds. 旗にな愧ぢぞ耻ぢなせぞ: Lyrics from the second section of Japanese war song 'Thousands of Enemies' (敵は幾万, Teki wa Ikuman). The lyrics were originally a poem titled 'Yamato Souls on the Battle' (戦景大和魂, Senkyo Yamatodamashii), which was included in a collection of poetry called 'Collection of Shintaishi' (新体詩選, "Shintaishi-Sen") published in 1886. The song was played before and after the victory announcements of the Pacific War. 進ミテ散ルコソ 身ノ譽: Lyrics from the third section of Thousands of Enemies. The original lyrics are '進みて死ぬるは身の誉れ', and the meaning is the same. 一億總: The population of Japan during WWII was around 1 hundred million. 玉砕瓦全: The term is from the Book of Northern Qi, which states ‘better break like jade than be an intact tile’ (寧為玉碎,不作瓦全). 回天: Kaiten (literally "Turn the Heaven", commonly rendered as "turn of the Heaven's will", "the heaven shaker") were crewed torpedoes and suicide craft, used by the Imperial Japanese Navy in the final stages of WWII. 欲シガリマセン勝ツマデハ: A common slogan during WWII. 贅沢ハ敵ダ: A common slogan during WWII. 討チテシ止マン: A common slogan during WWII, the original slogan was 'keep up the fight' (撃ちてし止まむ, uchiteshi yamamu, literally "we won't end the war until we defeat our enemy"). 神風: Kamikaze (literally "divine wind" or "spirit wind"), officially 'Divine Wind Special Attack Unit' (神風特別攻撃隊, Shinpu Tokubetsu Kogekitai), were a part of the Japanese Special Attack Units of military aviators who flew suicide attacks for the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World War II, intending to destroy warships more effectively than with conventional air attacks. About 3,800 kamikaze pilots died during the war, and more than 7,000 naval personnel were killed by kamikaze attacks. The word also means acting recklessly.

