
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

彩-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


枯れ木に花を咲かせ 艶の十五夜を彩る Bring dead trees back to life, embellish this beautiful full moon day* 飄に舞踊る 現忘れ塵芥 Trifle dance in the whirlwinds, forgetting about the reality 幼子口遊んだ Children crooned 「あそびましょ」 'Let's play' 大きな鳥居の下 また待惚け Waiting in vain again under the vast entrance of a shrine 手を叩けど空の谺 Two hands are clapping, but only empty echoes can be heard 名を呼べども凪のふわり Names are called, but only soft wind replies 戯れるは宵の随に Play until midnight 蟲の音誘う頃 Where the sounds of insects tempt 枯れ木に花を咲かせ 艶の十五夜を彩る Bring dead trees back to life, embellish this beautiful full moon day 飄に舞踊る 現を忘れて Dance in the whirlwinds, forget about the reality 夢の終わりが来れば 独法師の始まり If dreams come to an end, then loneliness begins 白く焼かれて消えた 東の空に Burnt into white and disappeared on the east side of the sky 後ろ指を指し笑う人 People point at the back and laugh 幼子は何時も面の無い人とかくれんぼ Children always play hide-and-seek with faceless men 「あそびましょ」 'Let's play' 一つ One 二つ Two 三つ Three 四つ Four まだ見つからぬ Still nowhere to be found 東の空が赤く焼け爛れて As the east side of the sky is burning 赤蜻蛉追い掛け飽きた頃… And get tired of chasing after the red dragonfly... 「もういいかい?」 'Are you done yet?' 枯れ木に花を咲かせ 艶の十五夜を彩る Bring dead trees back to life, embellish this beautiful full moon day 飄に舞踊る 現を忘れて Dance in the whirlwinds, forget about the reality 夢の終わりが来れば 独法師の始まり If dreams come to an end, then loneliness begins 白く焼かれて消えた 東の空に手を振って Trifle wave at the east side of the sky that burnt into white and disappeared 弾け飛ぶ塵芥 And burst *Note: 十五夜: A Japanese festival honoring the autumn moon, a variant of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The celebration of the full moon typically takes place on the 15th day of the eighth month of the traditional Japanese calendar.

