
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

野箆坊-己龍(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Faceless Ghost’(野箆坊)

「嗚呼、何時も見ている筈の私の顔が思い出せない。 'Ah, I am always looking at my face, but I never remember what do I look like. 此れは誰で、彼れは誰で、其れは誰で、私は誰で…。」 Who is this, who is that, who is that, who am I...' 音の無い言の葉を貪っては喰い散らかした Coveted and devoured the soundless words 吐き出す真っ赤な嘘 紅させば饒舌 Exaggerating a lie will be going too far 戯言も命吹き込めば真 故に世迷えば皆右を向くばかり Nonsense will begging truth if you breathe life into it, therefore people obey when they are lost 只「居る」だけで良いのです 寧ろ「在る」だけでも良いのです I just want to 'be there', but I would rather just 'exist'* 背中押され、手を引かれるでしょう ほら… I am sure I will be given a push and guided by hand, see... 父の種子で孕んで母の穴から這い出でて Created by father's seed, crawled out of mother's hole 知らぬ名を与えられて生かされた私は誰? Being given an unfamiliar name, being brought up - who am I? 私が私で無くなる様に 貴方が誰でも構わぬ様に If I make up everything 溢れた嘘を塗りたくれば Like I will no longer be myself, like I do not care who you are 「お初にお目に掛かります」 'Nice to meet you' 私が誰かの化けの皮で ひん剥き晒せば何処の何方? If I put on a mask, who will that be? 嗚呼 正に理 Ah, this is the reason 誰かが「私」を生きる様に 誰かが「貴方」を生きる様に If I make up everything 塗れた嘘を塗りたくれば Like someone will be 'me', like someone will be 'you' 「お初にお目に掛かります」 'Nice to meet you' 私も貴方も何処の何方もひん剥き晒せば皆同じ顔 If I, if you, if someone from somewhere take off our masks, we all will look the same 嗚呼 正に野箆坊 Ah, that is what faceless ghost means 「嗚呼、何時も見ていた筈の貴方の顔が思い出せない。 'Ah, I had always been looking at your face, but I never remember what do you look like. 此れは私、彼れは私、其れは私、貴方は誰…?」 This is me, that is me, that is me, who are you...?' 此の命を燃やす意味を 此の命を絶やす意味を Wishing and begging for 指咥え強請り欲しがる The meaning of exerting one's life, the meaning of ending one's life 皿の上に盛り付けられた都合の良い答え The answer given carelessly is dished up 皿の上に盛り付けられた誰が為の都合の良い私 I, being at someone's beck and call, am dished up 「嗚呼、何時も見ていた筈の私の顔が思い出せない。」 'Ah, I had always been looking at my face, but I never remember what do I look like. 溺愛の末路は磨き抜かれた誰か好みの出来合いの私でした。 The fate of spoiling is the formation of me that is based on others' preference. *Notes: 野箆坊: Noppera-bō, or faceless ghost, is a Japanese spirit that looks like a human but has no face. Because of their faceless feature, they are sometimes used to discribe people lacking personality and monotonous things. 只「居る」だけで良いのです 寧ろ「在る」だけでも良いのです: Both 居る and 在る mean 'exist', but the former one is used for living things whilst the latter one is used for non-living things. The usage of these two verbs in this lyric might be a way to show the different sense of language between living and non-living things.

