
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

亜種-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


流行り物に手を伸ばして疑いもせず馬鹿が貪るの Idiots reach out their hands without a doubt and covet the popular things 染まることがアイデンティティーだろ Don't you think assimilation is identity 自分見失っちゃって BAD!! BAD!! BAD!! Losing yourselves, BAD!! BAD!! BAD!! ゴ覧ノ通リ此ノ世ハ何処カ As you can see, some parts of the world 頭ノ中イカレテ〼 Are going nuts 右向け右の腐敗的信者 Obedient rotten believers 平和ボケに気付かぬ愚の骨頂 Are too dumb to know that they're numb with peace* 誰かの掌で踊るなんて We'll never そんなの柄じゃねえ Be someone's puppet 僕らは亜種 皮肉の意を込めて We're subspecies, sounding a bit sarcastic つまりは亜種 人となりを超えた In short we're subspecies, surpassing our nature 僕らが亜種 裏の裏をかいて We're subspecies, outwit and outwit その名も亜種 叫ぶよ亜種 Ash!! Our name is subspecies, we scream, ash!! 似合ってますBOOM Looking great in it, BOOM 人気者を装いたいよ We wanna act like everyone's favourite 画面越しにチヤホヤされたいの We wanna get everyone's attention through the screen 失う物はなんにもないけど 'Though we have nothing to lose 悪ノリが過ぎた奴は BAN!! BAN!! BAN!! We'll ban those carried away!! ゴ覧ノ通リ僕ラハ何処カ As you can see, some parts of our brains 頭ノ中イカレテ〼 Are going nuts 生まれては消えてく無意味を食い尽くすから We're gonna eat up the meaningless of the process of birth and death くだらないと目を伏せた We found this boring and so we looked down 僕らは亜種 皮肉さえも込めて We're subspecies, sounding a bit sarcastic つまりは亜種 人となりを超えた In short we're subspecies, surpassing our nature 僕らが亜種 疑うこともなく We're subspecies, with no doubt その名も亜種 叫べよ亜種 Ash!! Our name is subspecies, scream now subspecies, ash!! *Notes: 右向け右: 'Right face', a command given to a soldier or soldiers at attention, could be used to imply obeying orders. 平和ボケ: Refers to Japanese who just want to 'live a normal life' and do not care about the outside world and politics at all.

