
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

BAKEMONO Carnival-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘MONSTER Carnival’(BAKEMONO Carnival)

丑三つにトリップする Trip at a quarter before two in the morning 断末魔 錆びたチェンソー Deathbed, rusted chainsaw 醜いなぁ、言葉は鼓膜を破いた How ugly, words tore our eardrums 片腕の僕等は耳を塞げない We can't cover our ears 'cause we're one-armed 醜いなぁ。正義が狂わせた英雄 How ugly. Hero was driven mad by justice 動く死体も涙を流す 腐ってんだ Even the walking dead shed tears, rotting away 毒×毒 脳揺らいでいく感覚 High on drugs, the feeling of head bobbing* ラリラ、ラリラッ、タッタ Lalila, lalila, tattat 愚者グシャのcarnivalが始まる Fools' fucked carnival is about to begin 茜色が影を塗って下水道に消えていく明日は Tomorrow, when madder red is painted shadow and disappearing in the sewer, 濁っていった 誰も救われない Is turbid, no one can be saved 伸ばした腕の傷痕は心なくした日々のANSWER The scars on the opened arms are the answers of those lost days 否、否、否。 No, no, no. 僕は君のバケモノなんだ。ばぁ! I'm the monster inside you. Boo! 醜いなぁ、剥がれた死化粧に愛撫 How ugly, caress the melted mortuary makeup 擦り切れた心にメスは入らない The broken heart is incurable 醜いなぁ。世間が狂わせた愛$ How ugly. Love$ was driven mad by the world 笑顔をハメて首を吊られた 心成しか Faked a smile and be hanged, is this my imagination 爆×爆 脳ぶら下がる感覚 Ear-splitting, the feeling of euphoria ラリラ、ラリラッ、タッタ Lalila, lalila, tattat ギリギリのcarnival 鳴り止まない The carnival inside your head will never end 3.2.1…▷▷ 3.2.1…▷▷ 墓場のハスラーKID 気分は上々か? Graveyard hustler KIDS, are you stoned? 身分証明は投げ捨てろ Throw away your identity BAKEMONO 騙り、踊れが最高か? MONSTER deceives, is your heart racing? はぐれた少女は東亜トぶ The stray girl is ripped 茜色で染めた道は己で切り開いた明日さ The madder red path is the tomorrow you cut for yourself 離せないんだ、誰にも奪わせない I can't let it go, nor can I let anyone take it away from me 伸ばした腕の傷痕は生きる為に刻んだANSWER The scars on the opened arms are the answers you cut so to live on 厭、厭、厭。 No, no, no. 僕は君のバケモノだった。なんてね! I was the monster inside you. Just kidding! *Notes: 毒×毒: Pronounced as 'どくどく', which can mean 'heart flutters (because of excitement or anxiety)' 爆×爆: Pronounced as 'ばくばく', which also has a similar meaning as the above.

