
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

LIBIDO-零[Hz](Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


”アイツガヤリマシタ!!” 'He did it!!' ”私じゃないのに…” 'It wasn't me...' ”アイツガヤリマシタ!!!!” 'He did it!!' 足跡の無い決め付け What a baseless assumption Everyone really knows the truth… Everyone really knows the truth… 隣につられて声を上げている Speaking out 'cause you're influenced by others 隣り合わせて他人を貶める Degrade others to pander to someone 正偽にいつまで謝れば済むのですか? Until when do I have to apologise for the truth?* 壊れそうで崩れそうな孤独の夜には On a lonely night where I'm about to collapse 眠れない 笑えない 誰も信じれず I can't sleep, I can't laugh, I can't trust anyone 何が本当なんてどうでもいいから I couldn't care less about what's the truth ”助けて” Help me' それを願う事すら罪でしょうか? Is this wish also a sin? 仲間の為だと胸を張りほざいた Squared my shoulders and said this was for my friends 誰も気付かない。フリ Pretend that no one notices anything. 良くできた目をしてる I bet even the hypocrite will think I did a good job 偽善者でも驚くだろう And feel surprised お家芸の計画的犯行 Premeditated crime is your best trick 正偽にいつまでも苦しめられたくない I don't wanna be tortured by the truth はなしてくれ Let me go 壊れそうで崩れそうな孤独の夜には On a lonely night where I'm about to collapse 眠れない 笑えない 誰も信じれず I can't sleep, I can't laugh, I can't trust anyone 何が本当なんてどうでもいいから I couldn't care less about the truth ”助けて” Help me 消えてく僅かな希望 The little hope I have is fading さようなら Goodbye 掌返しの懺悔に踊れ Being manipulated by the sudden penance 正義は勝つさ Justice will prevail 最後にありがとう Lastly, I'd like to say thank you to you 壊れそうで崩れそうな時に愛をくれた 'Cause you gave me love when I was about to collapse 失いかけの輝き取り戻した I took back the light I almost lost *Note: 正偽: Pronounced as 'せいぎ', the pronunciation can also be written as '正義', which means justice.

