
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

「没」-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)


色即是空 This Body itself is Emptiness 空即是色 And Emptiness itself is this Body 受想行識亦復如是 The same is true of Feelings, Perceptions, Mental Formations, and Consciousness* 「没」 'Death' 嗚呼それは余りにも惨すぎるか Ah, is that too pitiful? それじゃあ棒に振る過去 Then I should sacrifice my past どれだ?これか?人に宿る邪の念が巣食えば Which one? This one? If evil thoughts that live inside human begin to nest 重ねた醜い線 どちら様が病めと背を押す Ugly lines overlapped, someone makes me depressed 君は慣れた手つきで今日もそれに従うの You follow that again today as usual 色即是空 This Body itself is Emptiness 空即是色 And Emptiness itself is this Body 受想行識亦復如是 The same is true of Feelings, Perceptions, Mental Formations, and Consciousness 「没」 'Death' それはそれは余りにも惨すぎるな That's way too pitiful それじゃあ来世で会おう Then let's meet in our next life それだ!それだ!個々に宿る邪の念を払えば... That's it! That's it! If evil thoughts living inside everyone are cleared... 重ねた醜い線 どちら様か止めてと叫ぶ Ugly lines overlapped, I scream someone please stop 君は慣れた手つきで今日も裏切るの You betray again today as usual 嗚呼 笑い声が煩いから 喉元を掻き切ってやろう Ah, your laughter's too annoying, lemme cut your throat いつかまた会えたなら どうぞよろしく Please treat me kindly if we ever meet again -death scene- -death scene- *Note: 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識亦復如是: The translation is from New Heart Sutra translation by Thich Nhat Hanh. Please click here for the whole translation.

