
歌詞目錄 Lyrics List

水槽-コドモドラゴン(Japanese-English Lyrics Translation)

‘Water Tank’(水槽)

夜の静寂に悪夢が重く伸し掛る Nightmares weigh heavily on me in the silent of the night 振り払い祓えど 心を蝕み壊す Even if I try to get rid of them, they'll still gnaw and destroy me 流した涙が乾く前に泣かされて I'll cry again before the tears I shed dry 拭うのも馬鹿らしい もう疲れたから Wiping them is meaningless, 'cause I'm spent 籠の中の鳥は いついつ出やる When will the bird in the cage com out 願っても祈っても 事態は変わることもないでしょう I guess nothing will change no matter how hard I wish or how hard I pray Deep more deep submerge... Deep, deeper, submerge... 言葉に出せない感情 自己犠牲からの感傷 Unspeakable emotions, feeling sentimental because of self-sacrifice Deep more deep submerge... Deep, deeper, submerge... 顔映し揺れる水面 後は唯祈るだけ The rippling water reflects a face, the only thing I can do afterwards is praying 何故悲しいのかも分からず目を逸らすだけ I feel sad for no reason but I just try to ignore that 嫌なほど見た 辛い過去すら底へと沈めたよ Even the irritating tough past sank to the bottom 雨々止まぬ 哀のジレンマ Rain keeps falling in the dilemma of sadness 螺旋を描き 相交わらぬ詩 Poem depicts spirals that don't intersect Deep more deep submerge... Deep, deeper, submerge... 言葉に出せない感情 自己犠牲からの感傷 Unspeakable emotions, feeling sentimental because of self-sacrifice Deep more deep submerge... Deep, deeper, submerge... 顔映し揺れる水面 後は唯祈るだけ The rippling water reflects a face, the only thing I can do afterwards is praying 葬 向かうは 誰の声も聞こえない 水の底 Yup, I'm buried at the bottom of the water where no one's voice can be heard 何故泣いてるのかも分からず溢れる涙 My tears fell for no reason 嫌なほど見た 辛い過去すら忘れて沈んでく I forget the irritating tough past and gradually sink down 雨々止まぬ 哀のジレンマ Rain keeps falling in the dilemma of sadness 螺旋を描き 相交わらぬ詩 Poem depicts spirals that don't intersect

